Chapter Two: 221b Baker Street

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Sherlock stood in the window of his flat, playing his violin as he did when he was thinking. He paused for a moment when a London taxi pulled up outside if his house. Abigail stepped out from the taxi and looked around. Her eyes landed on the door across the street with 221b in silver, which stood out against the dark door. This was the place.

Abigail's eyes traveled up to the window where she seen Sherlock looking down at her. She smirked and tapped her watch. Sherlock smiled back and nodded. One hour on the dot.

Sherlock raised his violin again and continued to play as Abigail walked up to the door and knocked. An older woman answered and gave Abigail a wide smile.

"Hello dear," she said.

"Hi. I'm looking for-" Abigail started.

"Send her up, Mrs. Hudson!" Sherlock called before she could finish. Abigail wasn't as surprised as Mrs. Hudson was since she had already seen Sherlock in the window.

Mrs. Hudson stepped aside to let Abigail enter. Abigail smiled at her and made her way up the stairs. She stood in the doorway of the living room for a moment and just listened to Sherlock's beautiful music. He knew full well that she was there, but he hadn't acknowledged her presence yet.

When he finally finished, Abigail gave him a small round of applause.

"Did you compose that?" she asked.

"Yes," Sherlock replied as he put his violin down. "I play when I'm thinking. Sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you?"

Puzzled, Abigail asked, "Why?"

"If we're going to be working together, we should know the worst about one another," he explained. "Would it bother you?"

"No. Actually, I've always wanted to learn violin and I once went a whole year when without talking when I was 9." Sherlock looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Abigail couldn't help but giggle as she explained, "My brother and I had a tough year."

"Ah," Sherlock nodded. "I know what that's like. I have two older brothers myself. Are you close with your siblings?"

Abigail sat down on the couch and crossed her legs. She gave Sherlock a quizzical look. "You're the deducer. Aren't you supposed to know that?"

Sherlock chuckled and sat down across from her. "Like I said, I go by looks. There's nothing to signify whether you and your siblings get along or not."

"Well, my brother and I are close. He's only 8 years older than me," she replied. "What about you? Do you have a good relationship with your brothers?"

"One I don't even hear from anymore and I'd prefer not to talk about the other."

"Ah. That kind of relationship. Wonderful."

There was a silence. Abigail awkwardly shifted before standing up and walking towards the fireplace. Sherlock's eyes followed her as she moved past him and across the room. She walked over and picked up a skull from the mantel.

"A skull?" she asked and turned back to Sherlock.

"Friend of mine," he replied.

"Boy, you have interesting friends."

Sherlock chuckled and stood up. He walked over to Abigail until they were inches apart from one another. Abigail looked up into Sherlock's eyes as he looked down in hers. He reached forward and took the skull from her.

"And yet, you're my friend. Ironic, isn't it?" he asked before reaching around her to place the skull back on the mantel.

Abigail couldn't help but inhale Sherlock's scent, sweet. He stood straight and looked back down at her again.

"Am I your friend?" she asked. "After all, we only met an hour ago."

"And here you are, standing in my living room about to start working for me, so I can only assume that we have some sort of relationship."

There was more silence as Abigail and Sherlock just looked at one another. Neither one spoke or made an attempt to move. It was almost as if they were back in the café, having their staring contest only to be broken by someone. This time, that someone was Mrs. Hudson coming up over the stairs.

"Darlings, would you like some-oh."

She paused in the doorway to look at the scene. Abigail broke the eye contact by looking over at Mrs. Watson. She looked a bit surprised and Abigail could see why. She and Sherlock were standing inches apart in silence just staring at one another.

Abigail backed away from Sherlock and walked back over to the couch. Sherlock's gaze on her didn't break as she walked away.

"What would you like, Mrs. Hudson?" he asked.

"Oh, um, I was wondering if either of you would like some tea," Mrs. Hudson said. "It's not every day Sherlock has a visitor over. Especially not a girl as beautiful as you."

Abigail smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Hudson. And some tea would be very nice, thank you."

"You're welcome deary. Sherlock?"

"No thank you Mrs. Hudson."

Mrs. Hudson nodded and went off to the kitchen. Abigail sat back down and crossed her legs, looking up at Sherlock.

"So?" she asked. "Why did you want me over? I'm sure it's not just to talk."

"Oh, right. I wanted you over because we're going to the police station to start that case. Lestrade has the suspect in custody and we're going to go talk to him and prove that he is not the murderer."

Abigail raised an eyebrow. "How can you be so sure?"

"Anderson arrested him. He must be innocent."

Abigail giggled. Mrs. Hudson returned with the tea. Abigail thanked her and began to drink. Unfortunately for her, Sherlock wasn't so patient and wanted to leave right away. He grabbed Abigail's arms and pulled her out of 221b and onto the street.

"Taxi!" he called and waved his hand in the air. A taxi pulled up and Sherlock held the door open for Abigail, like a gentleman, before climbing in himself. "New Scotland Yard."

The cabbie nodded and drove off.

"Remember, this man has brutally murdered three people," Sherlock told Abigail.

"So?" she asked. "We can't always judge a book by it's cover."

"That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, watch how he acts. It's easy to tell when someones faking innocence and if he's bold enough to brutally murder three people, he is not going to be that good at acting innocent or shy."

Abigail nodded before gulping. It had just dawned on her that she was helping the man she just met find a man that brutally murdered three people.

Abigail Watson, what's wrong with you? she thought.

*2018 edit: to anyone about to comment or who have already commented that Sherlock has a brother and a sister, not two brothers, this was written before season 4 came out when everyone thought the third Holmes was a brother (rumored to be played by Tom Hiddleston). So, for the sake of this series, the third Holmes will be a brother*

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