Chapter Six: Hacking The Phone

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"Sherlock. Sheeerlooock," came a singsongy voice.

Sherlock was sitting in the same chair in the same position. His arm resting on the arm rest, his head on his knuckle, his legs parted in a comfortable position. He had been there all night, not waking once to move or anything.

His eyes blinked open. Abigail, who last Sherlock saw, was asleep on the couch, was now standing in front of Sherlock. Between his open legs, to be exact. She was dangling Angelo's phone between her forefinger and thumb in front of Sherlock's face with a wide smile on her face.

"Well, good morning," Sherlock said, his voice deeper than usual.

"Good morning," Abigail said. "I've made some tea and some toast if you'd like some and Angelo's phone is password protected and we only have 4 tries till we reach the limit."

Sherlock looked up at Abigail with a surprised look before sitting up and taking the phone from her. He clicked the button to turn the Blackberry on to see that Abigail was correct. There was a password on it.

"Why would he give us the phone if it was password protected?" Sherlock asked.

"That's what I was wondering. The only thing I could come up with was that it's all a ruse and there's nothing on that phone or, if there is, we could potentially wipe it trying to guess the password, which means we'd be erasing all evidence to get this man off the hook," Abigail explained. "And then I realized that my mind is dull and not as good as yours, so I better check with you to see if my theories could be correct."

Sherlock looked up at Abigail. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were set on the phone in his hands. She looked well rested and not as tense and worried as she had the night before. He was still mad at Mycroft, but that anger had subsided a little.

"Those theories are possible," Sherlock said and stood up. He pressed his hand to Abigail's side to move her out of the way to walk away. "But he seemed so sincere. Maybe he does want us to find whatever is on this phone, but he's making it a challenge for us."

"Smart man," Abigail said. "Well, how are we going to get into it? We don't know much about him, which means we don't know anything that could be a possible password."

"We don't need to know anything," Sherlock said and sat at his laptop. "You can find anything on the internet, including sights to hack a phone."

Abigail smirked. "Clever."

Sherlock looked up at Abigail and smiled back at her. This was the first time he noticed that she was wearing one of his shirts. The purple button up shirt. She had a few buttons on the top left open to show just enough cleavage. Sherlock looked at her for a moment before quickly turning away as not to make it seem like he was staring.

Sherlock typed away at the computer. Abigail left and returned with two mugs of tea. She laid one next to Sherlock, who absentmindedly drank it as he focused on the task at hand. Once he came to the website he was looking for, he threw the cell phone at Abigail. She jumped, not expecting him to do that.

"The phone number is on the back. Read it out to me," Sherlock requested.

"How'd you know that?" Abigail asked.

"I checked when Lestrade gave us the phone."

"You're a genius."

"You sound surprised."

Abigail chuckled and read the number off to Sherlock. He typed it in as she read it out and pressed enter. Abigail placed her mug to the side and leaned over Sherlock's chair to watch.

"What can we access?" she asked.

"Texts, phone records, voicemails. We can see who he's texted and called since he started using the phone. Lucky for us, we only have to go back the few days to find out what we're looking for."

The room was silent again. Both Abigail and Sherlock were deep in thought. It surprised Abigail how well they made as a team even though they had only met the day before.

Sherlock scrolled through the hundreds of texts Angelo sent and received. None of them were getting Sherlock and Abigail anywhere.

"Anything?" Abigail asked.

"Nothing," Sherlock replied, shaking his head. "None of these texts point to whether or not Angelo committed the crime."

"What about voicemails?"

"Last one was from some guy named Sean."

"Well, let's listen to it, see if we can come up with anything."

Sherlock clicked in the voicemail. A crackling sound filled the room, followed by the sound of another Irish man's voice.

"Angelo? It's me. Listen, I-I did something bad. I-I didn't mean to do it, it just happened. The police are going to be after me. Oh, I'm such an idiot. He just angered me and-and those other men seen me. I couldn't control myself. I know you're probably on the other side of town right now, but I really, really, really need to hide in your flat. Please call me back, Angelo. I need you baby brother."

The line went dead. Abigail took another sip of her tea and looked at Sherlock. Sherlock looked back and raised an eyebrow at her. They had their evidence that Angelo did not commit the crime and they had the real culprit. Now all they needed to do was find this Sean.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter. Longer one soon, I promise.

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