Chapter Seventeen: Things Get Heated

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Abigail winced as Sherlock dabbed a cotton ball with peroxide on it on her face. Her worst injury was a cut on her lip that was barely noticeable unless you were really looking. Luckily, she hadn't broken her nose like she thought she did.

"Ow!" she snapped as Sherlock dabbed the cut again.

"Oh, quit whining," Sherlock said. "I'm almost finished now anyways."

"How does it look?" Abigail asked.

Sherlock took a moment to inspect her. No bad damages or anything, just the cut on her lip and some bruises that were beginning to form. She still looked beautiful.

"Fine," he finally replied. "Nothing bad. You'll just look very beat up tomorrow."

"I'll just tell people that if they think I'm bad, they should see the other guy," Abigail joked. Sherlock gave her a confused look. "Don't say a word. It's called a joke."

"I knew that."

Sherlock collected the first aid things and brought them back to the bathroom. Abigail stood up and looked at herself in the mirror over the fireplace. She didn't like her appearance. The whole date was a disaster and she never should have gone. Sherlock was right, not that she was going to admit it tho.

Sherlock returned. Abigail turned away from the mirror to look at him. He sat on the couch and grabbed a magazine that was on the coffee table. Abigail sat in the chair not too far away and crossed her arms. She was waiting for him to say it. To say those four words she knew were on the tip of his tongue.

"Say it," she said.

"Say what?" Sherlock asked.

"Say you told me so. Say you told me going on that date wasn't a good idea. Gloat that you're right cause you're a big genius and I'm just an average mind." Abigail felt tears threaten to fall. "Go on, then. Say it."

Sherlock put the magazine down and sat up to look at her.

"Is that who you think I am? The kind to kick someone when they're down?" he asked.

"Yes!" Abigail yelled and stood up. "You seem like that kind of person. With your big brain and your stupid mind palace and your 'I'm smart, everyone else is dumb' and your-and your-"

Abigail couldn't find the words she wanted to say. She wanted to say something that would cut him deep, the way he had cut her deep a year ago when he stuck her in the friendzone and treated her differently ever since. But Abigail couldn't do that. She couldn't hurt Sherlock. No, she WOULDN'T hurt Sherlock.

She just shook her head and let the tears begin to fall. Sherlock, who had become just as angry, shot up from his spot on the couch and grabbed Abigail's wrists. Abigail yelped in surprise.

"Now you listen to me," Sherlock growled. "I am not the person you think I am. I will not put someone down even more than they already are, especially you. And I'm not just saying that because you were nearly beaten to death tonight. I'm saying it because I've had feelings for you ever since we first met but I didn't want you to be in danger with us in a relationship. That's why I said what I did last year. That is why I pushed you away. Because I don't want to get too close."

Abigail looked up at Sherlock in surprise. He let go of her wrists, coming down from his anger high.

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered. "I-I don't know what came over me."

Just as the words were out of his mouth, Abigail had lunged. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, hard. Sherlock was taken back. The gesture was so sudden that when it happened, both Sherlock and Abigail had fallen back onto the couch.

Abigail moved her legs so that she was straddling Sherlock's hips. At this point, Sherlock finally began to kiss back. He moved his lips against hers, his hands planted on her waist.

"I'm guessing this means you like me, too," Sherlock said, pulling away from Abigial for a moment. The two were breathing heavily already.

"Wow. You really are a genius," Abigail said, sarcastically. "Is the door locked?"

"Yes, why?"

Abigail smirked as she ran her hands up Sherlock's chest to the top button on his shirt. As she began to unbutton, she said, "We don't want Mrs. Hudson walking in on us."

Sherlock smirked, too. "She has a key."

"Well, we may want to move to the bedroom."

And they did, but not before Sherlock sat up into a sitting position, pulling Abigail to him and holding her close as he kissed her lips. Abigail finally managed to unbutton his shirt, exposing his semi muscular torso.

Abigail ran her hands over his chest and moved her lips to his neck, causing Sherlock to put his head back and let out a moan. Abigail pulled Sherlock's shirt off his long arms and felt them wrap around her back again. She didn't want to move out of this position, but it would be a good idea for them to retreat to Sherlock's bedroom.

Sherlock began to unzip Abigail's dress. Abigail stood up before he could finish and smirked down at Sherlock.

"I'll meet you in the bedroom," she said in a seductive voice.

"You tease," Sherlock said, his voice deep with lust. Abigail giggled and retreated to Sherlock's room, dropping her dress on the floor along the way.

Sherlock stood up quickly, double checking that the door was locked before quickly joining Abigail in his bedroom. He pushed the door closed. Abigail laid on her back in just her black lingerie.

"Took you long enough," she teased.

Sherlock was quick to position himself on top of Abigail and began to kiss her again. Abigail giggled between kisses. This moment was better than she ever imagined it to be.

Abigail pulled away to ask, "Have you ever-"

"No," Sherlock cut her off. "Have you?"


"Then this shall be interesting."

Abigail pulled Sherlock back down to her lips. Soon enough, the two were naked and, as they say, the rest was history.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but you guys finally got your wish! Sherlock and Abigail are together. Finally!

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