Chapter Twenty Five: A Some What Happily Ever After

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Abigail had fell back asleep in the ambulance. When she woke up the second time, she was in a hospital room with another oxygen mask over her nose and mouth, pumping oxygen into her lungs. She felt fine, she knew she could breathe on her own. All she wanted to do was leave.

"Morning sleepy head."

Abigail looked over to see Sherlock sitting in a chair next to her bed, his legs crossed and his hands in the usual prayer position.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" Abigail asked, well aware she was semi-muffled by the oxygen mask. Sherlock nodded. "That's creepy."

"I had to make sure you stayed alive," he replied. "Prepare yourself. You're about to have some visitors."

Abigail relaxed against her pillow as Molly entered the room quickly, followed by Mrs. Hudson, then Lestrade. Molly was the first to hug Abigail. Abigail lied on her bed, awkwardly, looking at Sherlock for help. He chuckled in return.

"We're so glad you're okay, Abigail," Molly said. "When Sherlock brought you out of the burning building and you were unconscious...I thought..." Molly trailed off.

"I'm fine, Molly. You're not losing me that easily," Abigail said with a slight smile. Her face changed as she grabbed her oxygen mask and yanked it off. "That's better. No one tell me different, you know how I can get."

Everyone looked around at each other, knowing she was right. She was too much like Sherlock.

"What happened?" Lestrade asked. Abigail looked over at Sherlock. He lightly shook his head.

"I...don't really know," she replied. "One moment, I'm walking into the flat. The next, I was in the warehouse. No idea how I got there or who brought me."

Everyone seemed a bit skeptical, but they decided to drop it. Mrs. Hudson continually gushed over Abigail, saying how glad she was that Abigail was okay and how worried she was when Sherlock came home and said he couldn't find her. Sherlock took this as his opportunity to escape the hospital room.

He took the elevator to the lobby where Mycroft Holmes was waiting for him. Sherlock approached his older brother.

"Did you find him?" he asked. Mycroft shook his head.

"We searched the place. Must've had some sort of escape plan ready when he set the fire," Mycroft replied. "The warehouse was burnt to the ground. No evidence."

"He covered up his tracks," Sherlock muttered, mainly to himself. "Smart guy."

"Did you ever find out who this 'M' is?" It was Sherlock's turn to shake his head. "Abigail hasn't said anything."

"I don't want to push her just yet," Sherlock replied. "Not until she's ready."

There was a pause. One of those awkward, silent moments that seemed to last forever.

"How is she?" Mycroft finally asked. Sherlock glared at his brother.

"Why do you care?" he hissed, still upset over the fact that Mycroft had broken into Abigail's apartment a little over two years ago.

"Still holding that grudge, dear brother?" Mycroft asked. "Maybe I'm glad that you actually have a girlfriend."

"Of course you are."

Mycroft sighed. "Well, I must get going. I'll see if I can track down this criminal for you, Sherlock, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Enjoy your...somewhat happily ever after, dear brother."

And with that, he was gone. Sherlock glowered at his brother as he walked through the hospital doors. While he did hate his brother just a little bit, he couldn't help but thank God that Mycroft was so powerful and could find the person who did this to Abigail.

Sherlock didn't know if he wanted M to be found, for M's own sake. He knew that if he and M came face to face then he wouldn't be able to control himself. M hurt his girlfriend and now, Sherlock wanted to hurt M.

He shook his head, getting rid of all those thoughts. As Mycroft said, Sherlock had gotten somewhat of a happily ever after and he should cherish it for now. M was still out there, but as long as he stayed away from Abigail and from Sherlock, he'd be fine.

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