Chapter Twenty Three: "Save her Sherlock"

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Sherlock and Lestrade were still working hard. It was about 5 in the evening, nearly a full day since Sherlock last seen Abigail.

Every minute they didn't find her was another minute of worry for Sherlock. Every minute was fear that whoever took Abigail was torturing her, hurting her, killing her. The last one caused Sherlock to clench his hands into fists. If anyone killed Abigail, he didn't know what he would do. Probably something that would land him in jail.

Lestrade tried to stifle a yawn, but failed miserably. Sherlock looked at him over his shoulder.

"Go home," he said. Lestrade looked up in surprise. "You heard me. We've been at this for hours. Go home and sleep. I'll finish it."

"Sherlock, I want to help," Lestrade said.

"We're not doing much here anyways. Molly should still be at St. Bart's, I'll go there and see if I can find any fingerprints. I'll send them to New Scotland Yard to see if anyone there can match them," Sherlock said as he stood up. He held back a yawn he felt coming as he grabbed his coat and scarf. "Thank you."

Lestrade's eyes widened. "What?"

"You heard me," Sherlock called as he was halfway down the stairs.


Abigail heard a door open. She became alert as a set of footsteps approached her.

"You're going to do what?" she heard a voice she knew was Sebastian say.

"I'm going to help Sherlock Holmes find his little girlfriend," came James' voice.

"Won't he be able to track the number?" Sebastian asked. Abigail heard something like a camera of a phone go off. She struggled against the seat. Sebastian snapped, "Oi! Knock it off!"

"Now, now, Sebastian," James said. "But, if you're so curious, I'm blocking the number. Then, just to make things harder for our detective, I'll shut off the phone." There was a pause. Abigail could hear typing. "Would you get the matches, Sebastian."

Abigail became tense. Though Abigail couldn't see him, she almost knew Sebastian felt the same way.

"Matches?" Sebastian asked. "What the hell do you need those for?"

"To start a fire, silly," James said. "Sherlock Holmes has 2 hours to find his girlfriend or..." James trailed off.

"Or?!" Sebastian urged. He sounded much more dominant than he ever had with James. Abigail feared what that would mean for him. Unlike James, Sebastian seemed to have some sort of moral compass.

"Or," James continued, rather calm. "Abigail turns to ash."

Abigail pulled against her restraints, the rope rubbing against her wrists, burning them, eventually causing them to bleed. She needed to get free. She believed in Sherlock, but how in the hell would Sherlock find her in 2 hours? Especially when he couldn't track James' phone.

"This isn't fair!"

Abigail was surprised by the power of her own voice. Last time she spoke, her voice was quiet and hoarse. It seemed better now.

Abigail heard James chuckle.

"Life isn't fair, darling," he said. "See you in 2 hours."


Sherlock tapped his fingers, impatiently. He had found fingerprints on the letter nearly an hour ago and had faxed it to New Scotland Yard. He was waiting for whoever was matching them to send him a name back.

He was so close. So close to finding out who took Abigail. So close to finding her. So close to having her with him again. Having her safe. That is, if she still wanted to be with him when this was all over.

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