Chapter Three: Abigail's First Case

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Sherlock was the first one out of the cab when it pulled up to Scotland Yard. Abigail was forced to pay cabbie and hurry in after him. His long legs and long strides made it hard for her to keep up, but she tried her best to do so.

As they entered Scotland Yard, Lestrade quickly came up to Sherlock to talk about the case. Sherlock mindlessly walked towards Lestrade's office, only half listening to what Lestrade was saying. Abigail walked not too far behind the two before Lestrade finally noticed her.

"Wait, who's this?" he asked.

"She's with me," Sherlock replied, almost avoiding the question. "Where's the suspect? I'd like to speak to him."

"You didn't answer my question. Who is she, Sherlock?" Lestrade repeated. Abigail stepped past Sherlock and extended her hand towards Lestrade.

"Abigail Watson," she said and shook Lestrade's hand. "I'm a friend of Sherlock's."

"A friend," questioned a female officer that had just entered Lestrade's office. "Sherlock doesn't have any friends."

"Well, I believe I just introduced myself as 'Sherlock's friend'," Abigail said, facing the female officer. "Therefore, I am his friend which means Sherlock does have friends."

The female officer glared at Abigail before extending her hand and saying, "Sally Donovan."

"I don't care," Abigail said with a smile before walking away. Sherlock didn't try to contain his proud smile as he watched Donovan huff and walk out of the office. Damn, he thought. She's good.

"So," he said to Lestrade. "This suspect. Are we going to meet him or not?"

Lestrade nodded, still in shock with Abigail's encounter with Donovan. He led the two towards the interrogation room. The suspect's name was Angelo. He was a bigger man with a beard an a mustache and his long hair pulled back into a ponytail. He was looking at his hands, which were handcuffed to the table. It took Sherlock a second before stating, "He's guilty."

Lestrade looked at him in surprise. "What?"

"But not for what you've charged him with," Sherlock added. Lestrade looked completely lost. Sherlock sighed. "Why are people such idiots? Abigail, do you see where I'm going with this?"

"I think so," Abigail said. "You see, he's looking at his hands. He's too shy to look at the glass or anywhere else because he's guilty, but if he had done this crime, he'd have more confidence. He's guilty of A crime, but not THIS crime."

Lestrade still looked confused. Sherlock looked at Abigail and rolled his eyes.

"What's it like having an average mind? Must be horrid," he commented. "Let me put it so you can understand. Angelo didn't murder those people, but he has committed some sort of crime. I'd still like to question him, though. Maybe we can get him to open up about whatever that crime is."

Lestrade shrugged. "Be my guest."

Sherlock nodded and looked at Abigail. "Come along, Watson."

Abigail raised her eyebrow, but didn't protest. She was on a role so far. She had managed to figure out what Sherlock was thinking, which made her rather proud of herself.

Sherlock threw the door to the interrogation room open. Angelo jumped and looked up at the two. Abigail was trying to give him her best reassuring smile as Sherlock made his way over to the table and slammed both hands down, causing both Angelo and Abigail to jump. Sherlock stared right into Angelo's eyes, giving him a glare that could make anyone talk.

"Listen here," he said. "I know you didn't kill those people. My partner here knows and even Detective Inspector Lestrade knows. But what I also know is that you did commit some sort of crime. So if you fess up right now and tell us what crime it is, you won't be charged with triple murder and you'll have a shorter sentence."

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