Chapter Seven: Solving The Case

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Sherlock grabbed his coat and scarf. Abigail, who was now dressed in a pair of dress pants and a purple blouse, grabbed her coat and asked, "Where are we going?"

"To find Sean," Sherlock replied and started down the stairs.

"How are we going to find him? All we know is that me might, keyword: MIGHT, be at Angelo's flat, which is somewhere across town."

"I tracked his phone."

Abigail rolled her eyes. "Of course you did. You obviously don't call yourself a genius for nothing."

"I'm not the only one who calls me a genius." Sherlock shot Abigail a look over his shoulder. "You do, too."

Abigail glared at Sherlock as he smirked and hailed a cab. He gave the cabbie the address and the two took off. Abigail watched the town pass out the window as she tried to think of what they were going to say to Sean.

The message had been left just before Lestrade found Sherlock about the case, meaning Angelo was already under the custody of the police at the time. That meant that Sean didn't know that Angelo was in prison for what Sean had done. Maybe they could mention that and he would come out.

Sherlock seemed to be thinking the same thing. Neither one of them spoke, or really noticed the silence, until the cabbie pointed out, "You two are silent. Domestic dispute?"

Both Sherlock and Abigail looked at each other before both saying, "No."

The cabbie chuckled and said, "Sorry. Just a question."

Abigail looked over at Sherlock. He was staring out the cab window, much like she just was. She only knew him a day. Just about 24 hours at this point and people were already mistaking them for a couple. Mycroft's words played over in the back of her mind.

"Should we be expecting a happy announcement by the end of the week?"

No, she reminded herself. She just met Sherlock. She didn't like him that way. Even if she did, he wouldn't like her back. He was a "high-functioning sociopath" after all.

Meanwhile, Sherlock was also contimplating his relationship with Abigail. True, she was a very beautiful young woman and she obviously could tolerate him more than others could as she had known him for a full day and wasn't sick and tired of his talking or weird antics or anything.

But Sherlock considered him married to his work and, if he did start a relationship with Abigail, it would mean she could be put in danger on his cases. He has worked against dangerous felons before.

Sherlock shook his head. He needed to focus. They were drawing nearer to Angelo's place and he needed to think of something to say to get Sean to come to the police and Angelo out of custody. He also wanted, no, he NEEDED to know what Sean killed those people so violently.

Finally, the cab pulled up to the house. Sherlock paid the cabbie and got out first. He held the door open for Abigail, who slid across the backseat and out the door. Sherlock closed the door and the cab pulled off down the road.

"Any idea what we're going to say to him?" Abigail asked as they approached the door.

"I'm going to tell him the truth. Angelo's in jail for a crime he didn't commit," Sherlock replied.

"Do you think that'll work?"

"You heard the phone call. He cares for his brother. He finds out his brother is going away for a long time, for a crime Sean committed, he'll have to own up to it. Brothers will do anything to protect younger siblings."

Abigail looked at Sherlock curiously and stated, "You sound like you speak from experience."

Sherlock scoffed. Abigail took this as a no.

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