Chapter Sixteen: Abigail's Date Gone Wrong

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Abigail looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a white dress that was short in the front and long in the back with a pair of brown high heal boots. She was wearing eyeshadow, which was the first bit of make up she ever willingly wore. She smiled, she thought she looked pretty.

Martin had texted her to tell her which restaurant they were going to meet at, then they were going to walk back to Abigail's and see what happened with the night from there. Abigail smirked, thinking of Sherlock's reaction the next day when she told him about her amazing night.

Abigail decided that her look was perfect and went off to catch a taxi. It was 7:40. She had 20 minutes.

She couldn't sit still. She was so excited for the date. This was the first time in a while that she was going on a date. Granted, it wasn't with the guy she thought it would be with. But she was happy it was someone who actually cared about her, unlike Sherlock.

Abigail found her mind wondering back to Sherlock and earlier. She remembered Sherlock saying this date was a bad idea. He was jealous, she decided. Although she couldn't see why. He was the one that had put her in the friendzone.

Martin was waiting for Abigail outside. He smiled widely when he seen the cab pull up. Like a gentleman, he rushed to hold the door open for Abigail.

"Hello," he said. "You look wonderful this evening."

"As do you," Abigail said with a smile. "Shall we go in?"

"Oh, of course. Yes. Let's go."


Meanwhile, back at 221b, the consulting detective sat staring at the wall. He didn't know what to do. He should've been focusing on the case he was given a mere 8 hours ago, but instead he was thinking of Abigail.

He was jealous, Sherlock would admit that. But he wasn't trying to stop Abigail from going on her date because he was jealous. He knew something was going to happen. Martin seemed like a nice enough guy, but Sherlock deduced that he had a dark past. One that would catch up with him tonight.

He should've stopped her from going. He should've talked her out of it, proved that he wasn't just jealous. But he just let her go without stopping. He returned back to his apartment and tried to focus on the case, but his mind kept wandering to Abigail.

Finally, he decided to send Abigail a quick text.

'Everything alright?



Abigail was having a great time. She and Martin were seated right away. The two ordered some wine to start their evening off. They talked and laughed while they waited for their food.

"So, what is it you do again?" Martin asked.

"I'm something of a consulting detective. Easy explanation is that I'm a detective that the police consult when they need help. Well, not just me. Also my...colleague that you met earlier today."

She couldn't believe it. The evening was going so well and now Sherlock had managed to creep back into Abigail's mind once again.

Martin took a sip from his wine, clearly ignoring Abigail's hesitation and sudden quietness.

"Right. That piece of work from Speedy's," he scoffed. Abigail sent a glare at him. "What?"

"He may be a piece of work but I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about him like that," Abigail retorted. Martin shrugged and took another sip of his wine.

It was silent then. They received their food and ate in silence. Abigail felt bad for snapping at Martin, but he shouldn't be talking about Sherlock like that. He didn't even know Sherlock like she did.

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