Chapter Fourteen: Sherlock's Decision

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Abigail and Sherlock stood in front of Abigail's old school house. It had been closed down for years after a new school was build about a block away.

The doors were boarded up and the windows were covered with wood or trash bags. Except for one. One had the wood tilted slightly with the window opened. Diana told Abigail and Sherlock that this would be where they'd find Tom.

"Can we trust her?" Sherlock asked.

Abigail shrugged. "It's the closest thing we're going to get to a lead. If he's not here, maybe we'll find a clue. Or maybe he's just gone. Either way, we have a chance."

Sherlock nodded. Abigail approached the window first. She slowly pushed the wood to the side and climbed in. Sherlock was close behind her.

"Stay behind me, alright?" Abigail said as Sherlock pulled himself in through the window. "I'll do the talking. He knows me. He might listen to me."

"Good idea," Sherlock said.

Abigail continued moving. The lights buzzed and blinked overhead. Abigail was surprised the school hadn't collapsed yet. It looked old and warn down and like no one had taken care of the place since Abigail left.

Abigail advanced, Sherlock not far behind her. It was very unusual for him to take the backseat in a case, but this case was more important to Abigail than Sherlock thought it would be. He was proud of how far Abigail had come in the past few weeks. She had become very good at deductions and very good at case solving. He was impressed.

There was a noise. Abigail stopped in her tracks, causing Sherlock to nearly run into her. She turned to him and put her finger to her lips.

"Tom?" she called into the silence. "Tom White? It's me, Abigail Watson. From school. Remember? Tom, your sister is worried sick. She wants to know that you're okay."

Abigail heard a click. She looked at Sherlock, her blood ran cold. She knew the sound of a gun being cocked.

Abigail was too scared to turn around. She knew she'd be seeing a slightly frightened Tom holding a gun in a shaky hand. He'd be frightened because he was found. He thought he'd make a lucky escape. But he didn't know Abigail and Sherlock would be involved.

Abigail chewed her lip and slowly turned on her heel and seen what she expected. Tom. He had changed in the past years. He had aged horribly. Must be what it's like to marry Diana, Abigail thought.

"Tom," she said, trying to calm him down.

"Abigail?" Tom questioned. "Abigail, my goodness. I barely recognized you. You've changed."

Abigail gritted her teeth at Tom and said, "Got my braces off."

Tom smiled and let out a breathy laugh. Sherlock moved slightly, becoming visible in the blinking light. Tom's hand shot up again to point the gun at Sherlock.

"Who is this?" he asked.

"Sherlock Holmes," Sherlock said. "Nice to...see you in person."

Tom didn't seem to trust Sherlock. That's not uncommon, Sherlock noted.

"He's a consulting detective," Abigail began to explain. She paused a moment before adding, "He's a friend."

Tom looked at Sherlock for a moment before slowly lowering his gun. As he did so, Abigail advanced towards him. She moved slowly as not to startle Tom again.

"Tom, we need to talk," she said.

"She told you, didn't she?" Tom asked. "Diana told you where I was. I knew she would tell someone, I just thought it would be reporters. Trying to make me look bad-"

"By making herself look worst," Sherlock cut him off. Abigail turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. But Tom understood.

"I guess I didn't think of that," he said. "I only wanted to leave. I wanted it to seem like I was dead so I could escape from this lie of a marriage. Diana could finally be with whatever lover she had this week and I'd be free. That was the plan."

"I understand, Tom. I really do. But you need to talk to Terry. She's worried sick. She's positive you're alive, but she needs to see. She needs to know, Tom," Abigail said. Tom looked down at the gun in his hand and extended it to Abigail. She took it and smiled at her old friend.

"I'll call her right away," he said. "I should explain the plan."

"It would be a good idea," Abigail said with a nod. "We'll bring you to the airport. I know someone with a plane."

Abigail turned and passed the gun to Sherlock. He looked up at her and said, "Good work, Watson."

She smiled and returned, "Why thank you, Holmes."

Not too long after, Abigail was climbing off of the plane. Tom was waiting at the bottom of the stairs while Sherlock watched from a ways away. Abigail stopped in front of her old friend and smiled at him.

"Ready whenever you are," she told him. "Did you talk to Terry?"

"Just got off the phone with her," Tom confirmed. "She made me promise I'd call her if anything happens."

"Yeah, put me on that list, too. I'd like to know how your new life is."

Tom and Abigail smiled at each other. Sherlock felt a pang of jealousy in his heart, but tried to ignore it.

"I'm sorry about Diana," said Tom. "You know, how she used to treat you. You never deserved any of that."

"I'm over it," Abigail shrugged. "You be off, now. Your new life awaits."

Tom smiled and leaned down to kiss Abigail on the cheek. Abigail giggled and hugged Tom in return. Sherlock averted his eyes. He felt as if he had just stabbed been through the heart.

Tom boarded the plane. Abigail waved goodbye before walking over to join Sherlock. The two watched as the plane drove down the runway and take off. They watched as it ascended more and more before disappearing into the clouds.

Sherlock turned to leave first. Abigail stood for another moment before following him. The two climbed into the vacant taxi that had been for them. The drive back to 221b was mostly quiet. Sherlock broke the silence.

"We need to talk," he said.

Abigail gave him a confused look. "About what?"

"Our relationship."

Abigail felt her heart flutter, but she tried her best not to seem too excited. All she managed to say was, "Oh?"

Sherlock didn't face Abigail. He kept his head turned to look out the window.

"Abigail, I want you to know I consider myself married to my work," he started. "I believe that it would be best for us if we keep whatever relationship we have strictly platonic."

That was not what Abigail was expecting. In fact, it was the complete opposite. And it made Abigail's heart hurt. She bit back her hurt and fought the tears she knew were forming to reply, "I was thinking the same thing."


A/N: Not overly proud of how this chapter. Hopefully the next one will be better.

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