Chapter Twelve: Sherlock Talks to Lestrade

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"What was that about?" Lestrade asked Sherlock as he came back to the crime scene.

"Abigail doesn't want to work this case. Too personal," Sherlock replied, eying the victim's wife. She was talking to a few police officers, crying her eyes out.

-fake crying
-doesn't care about her husband

"She's lying," Sherlock said before going back to inspect the car. He pulled his magnifier out of his pocket and began to look at the car.

"Who?" Lestrade asked.

"The wife. She's not really upset over her husband's disappearance, probably because she wasn't happy in the marriage, more likely because she has been having an affair for years and can finally be with her lover now that Tom is gone. Don't cross Mrs. White out as a suspect."

Lestrade was flabbergasted at how Sherlock was about to know all of that just by looking at Diana, who seemed as if she really was upset.

Sherlock inspected the car, looking for any sign that a body had even been there. He couldn't find anything and he knew why. His mind was stuck on Abigail. He had never seen her cry or even look vulnerable at all, even with the dangerous cases they had done together.

Sherlock sighed.

"What's wrong?" Lestrade asked. "Can't find anything?"

"No," Sherlock replied. "My minds not on the case. I shouldn't have let Abigail talk me into taking it."

Lestrade was completely lost now. Sherlock let out one of his frustrated, "Why does everyone have to be so stupid" sighs and stood up to explain.

"The wife of the victim used to bully Abigail and now Abigail has gone off in tears and I can't stop thinking about her. Got it now?"

He didn't wait for a reply. He just nodded and knelt back down next to the car.

Lestrade was completely speechless. Sherlock sounded generally concerned for Abigail. Like he actually cared for her. Lestrade had never seen Sherlock like this before. He assumed Sherlock only cared for himself.

Lestrade knew the feeling Sherlock had all too well. He felt the same way when he met his wife for the first time. Whether Sherlock wanted to admit it or not, he was in love with Abigail Watson and Lestrade knew it.

"Sherlock, you care for Abigail," Lestrade finally managed.

"Of course I care for her, she's my colleague," Sherlock replied, not making eye contact.

"She's more than that." Sherlock looked up at Lestrade, amused by what Lestrade was about to say. "You like her."

Sherlock was speechless. He didn't know he was being that obvious, although when it comes to emotions, he was always oblivious.

He opened his mouth to reply, but he didn't know what to say. The words were caught in his throat. He wanted to deny the accusation, but he knew he'd be lying. He did like Abigail. A whole lot more than "like", in fact.

But he was still trying to keep that feeling back. He knew being in a relationship could put her in danger. So could working with Sherlock in general, but dating her could be a new form of danger for her.

"Look at that," Lestrade said. "The great Sherlock Holmes is speechless."

"Shut up," Sherlock said.

He stood up and walked around the car to inspect the trunk, which was closed and didn't look like it had been broken into or opened in any way recently.

"You know," Lestrade said, following Sherlock. "There's no harm in admitting something like this."

"There could be."

There was a moment. A pause. Both Sherlock and Lestrade stopped on their spots. Ever Sherlock was surprised by his own words. He had never admitted aloud anything about his feelings for Abigail. Not that he liked her and not the dangers he thought he'd be putting her in if they were together.

Sherlock stood up.

"I must go. I need a clear mind. I'll return later. Make sure your so called detectives don't ruin the crime scene. Keep it as is until I return," he said and began to walk away. Lestrade followed.

"What do you mean 'there could be'?" he asked.

"Nothing," Sherlock replied.

"You obviously meant something."

"I don't want to get into this right now."

"My God, Sherlock. You do like her don't you?"


Sherlock spun around to look at Lestrade. His sudden stop caused Lestrade to almost run into him.

"You-you do?" Lestrade asked. Sherlock rolled his eyes. Lestrade knew he had said something stupid as this is what Sherlock did whenever he thought that something stupid was said. Lestrade began to smile and laughed. "You like her! Wow! Who knew the famous Sherlock Holmes had feelings?"

"Shh!" Sherlock snapped. "Listen, it's complicated, okay?"

"Does she know?"

Sherlock didn't reply again. Instead, he began to walk again. And once again, Lestrade followed. He was not letting Sherlock go easily.

Sherlock walked to the road and waved for a cab. Lestrade put a hand on his shoulder to make the taller lad face him.

"She doesn't," he concluded. "Why don't you tell her?"

"It's more complicated than that," Sherlock replied. "Now, if you don't mind, I must be going."


Sherlock let out a frustrated sigh and turned back to Lestrade. All he wanted to do was leave so he could check on Abigail. He needed to know she was okay before he could actually get his mind on the case.

"Listen, if you really like her, you should tell her. She might like you back," Lestrade said.

"That's why it's complicated," Sherlock said. "Leave this. I don't wanna talk about it anymore."

"You know what they say, Sherlock. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it wasn't meant to be," Lestrade said. "I know that doesn't make sense or anything-"

"It makes a lot more sense than you even know."


A/N: I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. Meh.

Also, I hate to self promote myself (or whatever) but if you're enjoying this story and you think you know someone else who'd like it, please share it with them. I'm planning on making it a series (another series. Yay!)

Anyways, thanks for reading y'all!!

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