Chapter 34

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                “Just so you all know, if I died right this second, I’d be dying a happy, happy man.” Dan announced as he licked up the last of the chocolate frosting off his fingers. “I mean, who knew the dauntless could make such a badass cake?”

                Waves of amused laugher spread throughout the table as some of the other dauntless heard what Dan had to say, and I couldn’t help but join in. When we’d arrived at the lunchroom, rather than sit in our usual spot, Randi had dragged us over to what we’d playfully referred to as the dark side.

               Though most of the faces were still unknown to me, I’d managed to recognize a few. Finn was sitting right in front of me, with Biff and Jude at either side of him, and Ava had arrived shortly after them and taken a seat next to Randi and Grace. With the girls to my left, and Dan to my right, I couldn’t help but revel in the sensation of being surrounded by friends.

               To my dismay I’d also noticed that Marko and his goons, Cam and Jake if I remembered correctly, were also sitting at the table. They hadn’t really partaken in the conversation, mostly keeping to themselves as they chatted in hushed tones, but now that some of the other members had left they’d seemed to liven up.

               “So, which one of you transfers is ranked first?” Marko sneered as he looked from Dan, Grace, and I, to the far-off table where Billy sat with Howard and Samantha. Banks was nowhere in sight.

               For a second the entire table lapsed into silence, but then Dan cut through the tension as he spoke up. “You’re looking at him,” he said, playfully slugging my arm in the process, “my man Sage here hasn’t lost a single fight.”

               Various members nodded, and a general murmur of approval sounded throughout the table. I couldn’t help but notice that Finn seemed pleased, but not all that surprised. He nudged Jude, leaned over to whisper something, and then he repeated the process with Biff, whose face was quick to light up with a mischievous grin. I was about to ask what they were up to when Marko cut into my train of thought.

               “You’re first?” Marko repeated, his voice dripping with mockery and disdain. “That doesn’t say much for the rest of your friends. I mean, I’ve already beaten you once.”

               “Yeah, I suppose you did. Remind me though, my memory’s a little hazy, but how many of your friends did you need to hold me down so you could get a decent shot?” I chuckled morosely as I recalled that day in school when Randi had almost met her end. I leaned back in my chair as I appraised him; of all the nerve. “So? How many were there Marko? You and two others right?”

               “Pretty sure there were three others actually,” Dan cut in as he rubbed his nose; apparently he’d also not forgotten the whole debacle. “Four total for you, and then a couple that were hanging around the back.”

               The entire table lapsed into a tense silence, and as I looked from face to face I realized that all the antagonism was being directed straight at Marko and his gang. A small part of me, one that I hadn’t even realized existed, sighed in relief as I gauged the reaction; it was nice to see that though people like Marko did exist, ones who abused their power and preyed on the weak, there were also the opposite that believed in honor and integrity.

               “Wow Marko, and here I thought you couldn’t do any worse in my eyes. Well congratulations, you’ve managed to surprise me.” Finn said coldly, while Jude and a few others just shook their heads with obvious distaste.

               “That’s messed up man,” Biff agreed as he shook his head with repugnance. “That is not what being dauntless is about.”

Transparent: A Divergent FanFiction (Book One) ©Where stories live. Discover now