Chapter 47

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                The air was freezing as I pulled in a breath, and the sun was setting behind me when I finally opened my eyes. I was no longer on a floor made of cement, but on a vast field of frost-covered grass. I turned, and saw that the glass walls were also gone, and all I could see were pine trees that stretched on for miles and miles. My breathe came out in in vapory puffs, and even though I knew that it was all just a simulation, I couldn’t help but run my hands up and down my arms for warmth.

                I’m not sure exactly what it was that tipped me off to the wolves’ presence, they’d not made a single noise to call attention to themselves, but the moment I was aware of them I found myself immediately searching for a weapon. There were a variety of branches on the ground, and I grabbed the largest one with a pointed end, raising it as a sort of club.

                As if cued by this action; the wolves lifted their lips in unison, thick and bubbling foam dripping off their black snouts. Not a second had passed before they’d all charged forward; a group attack. I began to swing the branch back and forth, the adrenaline in my body making each swing harder than the last. The animals yipped in pain, but didn’t stop or even slow down.

               For some reason, in the midst of the battle my mind had wandered. It only took an instant, but once I realized it, I couldn’t help but make the connection between these rabid wolves and the shadowy figures that had ambushed me in the mirrored room. I knew what that fear was; being attacked by unknown threats. I’d been somewhat calm during the beginning of the fight, but as the idea circled around my head, I found that my heart beat had picked up and that my hands were shaking.

               Suddenly, the remaining wolves stopped lunging, but I was too suspicious to lower my club. I was right not to do so. Before my very eyes, the wolves gathered together and converged into a mass of fur and claws; their bodies merging until all that was left was a single massive beast covered in black fur. It didn’t even look like a wolf anymore; it was something not of this earth.

               The massive creature stood as motionless as a statue, its cobalt-blue eyes gleaming in the remaining twilight. It actually cocked its head at me, looking eerily amused, almost bored even; as if it knew that no matter what I tried to do it would win. The smarter part of my brain was yelling at me to run, to flee into the trees, but the rest of my body ignored it as it switched to the offensive. I pulled my arm back and then threw my pointed branch as a sort of spear.

                A blur of black motion deflected the branch onto the ground as the beast lunged forward. I never even had time to blink before the animal was on me, striking me down with a powerful blow. My body folded and dropped to the ground. Before I could even attempt to roll away, another crushing claw shoved my face into the dirt, making my jaw strike a series of jagged rocks. I tried to get on my hands and knees to run towards the trees, but the animal was on me again, dragging me down; his breath rank.

                I managed to grip a nearby branch with my left hand and clawed with my right at the ground; trying to pull myself out of reach of the beast’s claws. Swinging desperately, I tried unsuccessfully to create some space between me and the creature’s teeth. It was no use; the monster sank its teeth into my thigh and began to swing me back and forth like a rag doll. My stomach churned, and I continued to swing my makeshift club wildly. Each time it connected though, the beast would merely clamp its jaws tighter.

               No! No, this can’t be happening; my mind screamed in panic.

                My body was growing weaker with every passing second, but I refused to let go of my branch. The creature dropped me and pawed at my chest as if were raking leaves. Sharp claws ripped strips of my shirt and flesh with each swipe. I tried to raise my right arm to ward off the attack, and teeth clamped onto my forearm.

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