Chapter 32

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                At dinner, Dan and I sat with Grace at our usual table. As we were eating, I noticed a movement to my right and stiffened when I realized who it was.

                “Well, well, look who we have here. Carla, how unpleasant of you to drop by. Please, do tell us what brings you to our side of the lunchroom.” Dan tried to joke; though his words were clipped and his tone was bordering on hostile.

                I didn’t say anything. Quite frankly, I didn’t care what she had to say. I glared at her, silently daring her to pull another stunt while I was there.

                “I-I came to…“ Carla stuttered, falling into an uneasy silence as we all looked at her expectantly.

                “Finish what you started in the dormitory?” I interrupted sardonically. “What did you make your shank out of this time? One of the plastic spoons perhaps?”

                “No!” Carla said defensively.

               “A spork then?” Dan added with a contemptuous grin.

               “I don’t find your words humorous.” Carla frowned as she played with her glasses nervously. “They are inappropriate.”

               “Well forgive me.” I bristled. “I forgot I’m talking to a saint who’d never hurt a fly.”

               “Sage, it’s okay,” Grace said as she placed her hand on my arm.

               Carla swallowed loudly, and I watched as her eyes darted from me to Dan, and then back. She shifted, staring only at Grace as she spoke. “I came to see you.”

                “Well here I am, what do you need?” Grace asked calmly. To my surprise, she didn’t appear affected at all. She cocked her head, seeming bored, and raised a brow when Carla stayed quiet.

               “Can we talk?” Carla asked.

                “Isn’t that what we’re doing right now?” Grace replied with a little scoff.

                “I mean in private.”

                Grace’s scoff turned into a low chuckle as she shook her head. “No. Whatever you have to say can either be said here or not at all.”

                Dan and I shared a quick look; and I could see he must’ve felt just as impressed as I did. After the attack, I had to admit I’d worried Grace’s gentle nature wouldn’t be able to handle it. I’d feared she’d have some sort of nervous breakdown or would lose the confidence she’d gained. It was nice to be wrong though; if anything, the event seemed to have helped solidify something within her.

                “You don’t have to be scared, I won’t try to hurt you again.” Carla assured her after she’d gotten over her mild shock.

                Grace let out a sharp laugh, then rolled her eyes. “I am not afraid of you Carla. I just don’t want to go.” She paused and took a sip of her water. “I’m having dinner with my real friends, and I won’t just get up and go because you feel like what you have to say is more important.”

                “It won’t take long.” Carla pleaded.

                “All the more reason, stop beating around the bush and just talk.”

                “I wanted to apologize for my earlier behavior. It was wrong of me to do that, but I-I,” Carla bit her lip, and I couldn’t help but find it ironic; an erudite who found it hard to articulate how she felt.

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