Chapter 33

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                The next morning, Amar came in and informed us that we’d have the entire day off. Carla and Pam were cut, and from what I heard, also two of the dauntless-born. Todd was heartbroken, and moments later we learned he’d also opted to leave. We’d started stage one with ten initiates, and now there were only seven.

                After we’d returned from breakfast, I noticed that someone had scratched a line across their names; the numbers changing along with the modifications.








               I tried not to dwell on the fact that Todd and Pam had become factionless, when really I felt it should’ve been Howard and Samantha. It was unfair, but that was life. Carla’s absence was a relief to me, but I knew that even though Grace was toughening up, she was still saddened by the thought.

               Frankly, it was a little disconcerting to have the whole day to ourselves. All our time here had consisted of training, training, and more training. Not knowing what to do with ourselves, I’d suggested that we should continue to explore the various shops in the Pitt.

                We passed by a piercing shop, where some of the people had so much metal on their faces, I was surprised they weren’t struggling to hold their heads up. There were also various clothing boutiques. At Grace’s insistence, Dan and I trudged in after her, waiting as she tried on a few pieces and then left without buying anything.

                “Well that was loads of fun,” Dan complained.

                “The highlight of my day,” I added.

                “Guys, be nice,” Grace laughed. “Don’t forget I have a killer slap, so behave yourselves.”

                Dan and I pretended to coward in a theatrical manner, and somehow, we ended up running around while Grace chased us. Admittedly, I realized we weren’t exactly the epitome of maturity, but even with that knowledge we continued our spontaneous game of tag. I didn’t care that we were getting odd looks. I was in a good mood, and I’d be damned if I let anyone spoil it. Laughing like maniacs, we raced through the Pitt, up and down the various stairs, through winding paths, and past anyone in our way.

                Dan and I were just rounding a corner, Grace hot our tails, when I nearly ran over Randi.

                “What the?” She yelped as I grabbed her and attempted to use her as a shield against Grace.

                “That’s cheating!” Grace shouted when she’d caught up.

                “Oh my god,” Randi laughed as she took in the scene; looking from me, to Dan, and then to Grace. “Are you playing tag?” She asked incredulously.

                “Playing? Pshh,” I snickered, still not letting Grace get any closer. “This isn’t a game Randi, this is war.” I said in my best I’m-really-serious-about-this voice.

                “It’s not fair though,” Grace complained as she tried to circle around to touch my arm. “You’re legs are longer and I can’t run as fast.”

Transparent: A Divergent FanFiction (Book One) ©Where stories live. Discover now