one day.

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Yesterday I met my niece.
This little girl, called me her aunt.
She said I was her aunt and I use to cry and pray for that moment since the day she was born.
Five years.
And let me just say it made me melt inside. I couldn't Express how much it touched me.
I'm an aunt.
I'm somebody's aunt.
And for that, I can say I'm blessed.

& One day... I will have my own beautiful baby in my arms, their hand wrapped around my finger. The finger of this baby that had been growing inside of me.

One day... I will walk through the threshold of a house I know I'll always feel safe and at home. My own home.

One day... I will pull a white veil over my face and smile. I'll smile because I've found them.

One day... I'll wrap my arms around my sisters again.

One day... I'll meet my big sister in Heaven.

One day.. I'll see my little sister's graduate.

One day... Someone will love me and grow old with me.

One day... I won't have to say one day, It'll just be.
And I live each day for those one days.
And yesterday was one of those days.

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