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The day was finally here, I was going to highschool again. But this time I wouldn't have to worries about grades, I would be worried about my daughter. I love her so much, and as much as I wish we could be in the same grade, we cant. I told Carlisle I wouldn't go at all if Edward and I weren't together. Lost in thought, Carlisle and Esme come in.

"Alright, here are you your ages grades and skeduals. Jacob and Ness are freshmen. Jasper and Alice sophmore. Edward and Bella juniors. Emmet and Rosalie seniors."Carlisle explains.

"Now, here are your skeduals." Esme says while handing them out.

"Yay, all of my classes are with Jake." Ness says excidedly.

"Perfect" Jake hugs Ness.

"Edward and I are together all day too." I say happily.

"That's how I like it." Edward says happy.

"Yes, all you have classes together, and the same lunch hour." Esme tells us.

Now that we all are ready and have our skedguals, we get in our cars and drive to school. On the way I tell Ness our story we tell people about how were all adopted.

When we get to school, we all walk in together, and I can see all the people staring as we're all holding with our bf or gf. Well except for Jake and Ness who just walk together. The second we come through the door, there's even more people looking our way.

After the first few boring hours of school, we have lunch. Edward and I are the first people there, and claim the biggest table for our family to sit at. When Ness and Jake come in, I notice them holding hands, and then I hear Edward chuckle. I look to him confused.

"Their dating now."Edward tells me.

"Wow, faster than we thought." I said fascinated.

Ness and Jake walk over with their food.

" mo- I mean Bella, Edward, I have something to tell you...we're dating." Ness says super excited.

"That's awesome, and your dad already told me." Ness looks confused as I tell her this.

"His thoughts are very loud." Edward says smirking at Jake.

"Oh, OK. Cool, so anyways...what do you think?"Ness asks curiously.

"Wonderfull" Edward and I say in unison.

The rest of the family join us, and Ness tells them the good news to. For the rest of the day, that's what Edward and I talked about during classes.

On the way home, Edward starts growling as he drives. I look back in the rear view mirror, and find Jake and Ness kissing. I let my guard down so Edward can hear my thoughts. *it was gonna happen eventually edward, it was only a matter of time.* After I say that, he stops growling. I can already tell it's gonna be hard to keep him calm while their dating.

Sun Rise: Twilight Saga Fan-fic Part 1Where stories live. Discover now