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The next day passes by in a blur. I make it through with a measly "here" each class, I barely notice the lingering stares and whispers from everyone. I wanted to try talking to Bill again, but he's home sick according to Richie. The boys seem too afraid to say much to me.

Henry won't even spare me a passing glance. There's a small bruise on his jaw that makes my stomach turn when I look at it. I should have handled myself better. Now everyone just thinks I'm insane. I don't blame them, I think I'm going insane.

I haven't told anyone what I saw, not even Beverly, who seems distant from me too. I know if I say a word, no one will believe me. Hell, I don't believe me, nor would I believe anyone who told me the same story. A clown? In Derry? No way.

Still, my heart drops at every bump and creak I hear.

After school, I sit at home with my dad watching the Detroit Lions play a game I don't care to try and understand. Charlie's out with some new friends she made but refuses to bring around me.

The house is relatively quiet aside from the heavy rain, almost like static now. Something doesn't feel right, something about Derry. Something about the rain and friendly faces, the things they hide. I can't help but feel a constant dread now, I feel changed.

Next week is Halloween, but I have no plans to go out and try and get candy like I did last year. My dad has to work anyway so Charlie and I will be by ourselves.



The next morning, my dad is drinking his coffee and reading the paper in the living room, the television low. Charlie's buttering some toast in the kitchen.

"Morning," I mutter to no one in particular.

Retreating to the kitchen, I began pouring my cereal when I hear some barely audible news story.

"Seven-year-old George Denbrough has been declared missing by the Derry Police Department..."

I turn to the TV. Denbrough?

"Dad, turn that up," Walking slowly to the living room, I listen as the volume rises.

"The boy was last seen by Kay Crowley, an elderly citizen of Derry and his brother, William Denbrough. George went missing last evening at around five o'clock sources say,"

My heartbeat skips as a picture of Billy's little brother appears on the screen next to the reporter, who concludes the story.

"There is no new info, but anyone with any information regarding George's disappearance is urged to come forward,"

I drown out the last of his words as my dad mutters, "Damn," He turns to me and seeing me visibly shaken, asks, "You know him, Lorraine?"

I shake my head.

"I know his brother." My words are barely audible.

"If you know them, we should go and pay our respects."

"No," My hand runs through my brown hair. "We're not going to do that," My father looks genuinely confused. "Well, why not?"

"'Cause he's not dead!" My stomach turns as I look out into the rain. "He's missing."


I am so sorry for my absence. I needed a filler chapter just to update because if not, it would have been too many time breaks in one chapter.

Again please forgive me, but I will have a new full chapter out tonight.

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now