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JUNE 1989

My eyes shoot open as the last bell rings. I look around to see everyone bolting out. I take a second to completely remember where I am but when I do, I spring from my seat and run to the crowded hallway.

My shift at the grocery store starts soon and I cannot be late again. Henry had insisted on getting me fired, or at least made it seem like that based on how little he valued my schedule.

I had fallen asleep in class out of pure exhaustion. I didn't really sleep much after I started working. As soon as I got out from school at three thirty, I had a five hour shift from four to nine at the store no one shopped at anymore. My dad didn't intend on getting another job after the construction company called and asked why he hadn't arrived to the San Fernando Valley like they had arranged. So I was left to pay rent and light for the next seven months after, often asking the bank for an extension until I could scrape enough together to pay them.

I try to wave these concerns from my head as I shoved past the sea of people to find Henry. We'd been on again, off again, currently off again for the last few months. It wasn't hard for us to fall back on track though. I would have rather not talked to him today, but Belch and I rode to work together when we we both had a shift so I had no choice.

Finally, I spotted Patrick above the crowd and knew that was unfortunately where I had to go. I stomped over to them and wormed my way between Belch and Henry, who looked less than thrilled to see me.

"Hey Lori," Belch said. I gave him a smile. "You working?" I asked, absentmindedly shoving Henry's elbow when he tried to move his above mine. "Not 'till next week." Belch replied with an apologetic face. I shrugged.

"That's really too bad. Can I still get a ride?" I ask, Henry and I still elbowing each other. "Yeah, of course." He says.

I elbow Henry one last time before he grabs my jaw and turns me to look at him. "You wanna get rocked?" I smirk at him. "Just give me the time and place," After all these months together - and not - I'd gotten better at dishing it back out to Henry. Which means we definitely took more stabs at each other than before.

He took this as an invite to shove his lips against mine in a spiteful kiss, which in his language means we're back together for now. It's over quickly and he goes back to his angry glare, crossing his arms. I roll my eyes and watch as Bill and his friends make their way down the hall.

Patrick sees me looking and turns to them, making Belch and Victor look as well. Henry just glares as they walk by and I give them a small wave. They just hurry along.

I turn to Henry. "You better not give them any shit," He turns to me again. "We had a deal."

I sigh, remembering the conversation all those months ago.

"Fine. But just go easy on them, alright?"

He laughs. "Always do." We start to make our way outside as Greta and her friends push past us out of the bathroom. I start swearing under my breath, but Henry sticks his hand in my back pocket and keeps me attached to his hip. "Keep it moving, Finley."

Henry's dad stands by his cruiser with another officer and the mother of the latest missing girl, Betty Ripsom, out in front of the school. Henry shook his head.

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now