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I wake up the next morning, grateful for the weekend morning. I take a look at the clock and sigh. Ten o'clock.

My dad isn't the type to give chores or curfews. He has a few rules and it's hard to make him angry. However, the one thing he cannot stand is a day wasted on sleep.

Charlie and I would constantly beg him to allow us just one day of sleeping in. And every time, he would always tell us the story of the time he slept in and missed out on a large breakfast, my now estranged Uncle Kurt had just finished the last biscuit. Apparently, biscuits were a big deal then.

My eyes shoot to Charlie's bed, empty and made. I get up to make mine before creeping into the quiet hallway. Dad must be busy because he would have woken me up a long time ago. I step into the living room and don't see Charlie or him.

He must've not come home last night. It wouldn't be the first time. I figure this must be it, but then I hear him. His voice is muffled.

Based on the periods of silence between sounds, he's probably on the phone. I walk over to his room where the noise is coming from.

Slowly, I peer around the door frame and see him sitting at his desk, his back to me.

"Things are just not working out here, Marv," He rubs his temples.

A pause.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, kids are dropping like damn flies around this town,"


"Yeah, I know and I'm very grateful for this job, but this is no place for my daughters,"

What's he talking about?

"Their mom isn't around,"


"Pittsburgh, last I heard. She skipped out when my youngest was born and I haven't heard from her since," He throws a hand up in frustration.

Pittsburgh. It isn't too far.

"Look, all I know is, I can't stay here. I'm as sick about it as you, but my girls come first," My heart swells as he says this. I suddenly wonder how many other times he'd put us before all else. How many times he'd turned down an amazing work opportunity or a beautiful woman. Simply because we came first.

"Yeah, two weeks," He nods. "Thanks for understanding, Marv." Then he hangs up.

I turn and walk back to my room as quickly and quietly as I can.

The irony of it all has me laughing in disbelief. I have no friends, we stay. I have Henry, and we leave.

I wish I could take him with me. Away from this place. After all, what did he have here anyway? An alcoholic dad, a bad reputation? That's no way to live. And who would miss him? Butch?

Not likely.

I run a hand through my hair and think about how I'll tell him. I can picture his reaction. The anger, the coldness, then indifference.

I couldn't handle it. I couldn't abandon him. So for now, I'll keep it to myself.

The news isn't going anywhere. My dad just quit his job. I wouldn't count on anything changing.

I hear the front door open and walk to see Charlie standing with groceries.

"Morning. The rest are in the trunk."


My dad doesn't know I know about the move, so he hasn't told us yet. The next two weeks are the fastest and most stressful of my life. The thought of what's to come has me the most anxious I've ever been.

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now