𝗛 + 𝗟 '𝟴𝟴》12

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Charlie and I sit on the sofa as my dad gets ready for a late night at the office. He wouldn't have had to go in except everyone is determined to take their children trick-or-treating, not wanting to let them out of their sight.

I Was A Teenage Werewolf is playing on our television as Charlie and I snack on Shark Bites and Jiffy Pop. I knew my dad would never let me go out tonight, despite the cops on every street corner and the street lamps brighter than usual, so I had to wait until he drove off.

"Alright kids, I've left all the emergency numbers on the fridge, the candy bowl's outside so you don't have to open the door," He picks his brain one last time. "Did I remember to lock all the windows?" I check my watch. Henry will be here any minute.

"Dad, Charlie and I have everything under control, don't worry," I see my sister giving me her classic I-Know-Bullshit-When-I-See-It look.

"Are you sure, I could call in. I really don't want to leave you, girls,"

"Dad, really. We've got it covered," I give him a reassuring smile, a slight pang of guilt ringing through me for lying to him.


"Alright, well don't answer the door to anyone and call Butch if you need anything." He smiles and closes the door.

As soon as I hear his car door close, I sprint down the hall to my room.

My pre-picked outfit waits on my bed as I lock the door behind me. Quickly, I throw on the striped cotton material and run a brush through my hair. I catch a knot and do my best to brush it out. After I dress, I rush to the bathroom and smear some strawberry Lip Smacker with my pinkie. Just as I'm lacing up my tennis shoes, a knock startles me.

"Lorraine! What the hell are you up to?!"

I rush to the door and throw it open. "Charlie! I need you to cover for me,"

"Yeah right, what's he worth to you?" She asked with a smirk.

"Alright, I'll do a week's homework and an essay," I offer. Charlie hates homework, I knew she couldn't refuse. She scoffs and holds up a finger. "Lemme stop you right there. All homework, five essays, four book reports-"

"Are you kidding?"

"No and I'm also not done," She snaps.

"Yes, you are done, because you wanna know how else this ends up? I spread every embarrassing story about you I know. I'm talking bed wetting, getting stood up, the list goes on," Her face is red with both anger and embarrassment. "Come in through the window. You better not be late. If he suspects anything, I'm selling you out,"



I hear a familiar engine from the window behind me and give her one last look. "Get the hell out of here before I change my mind," I stomp out of the room to the living room, but stop in my tracks. I'm actually about to leave the safety of my house to go with one of Derry's most irresponsible kids while there's a kidnapper on the loose.

I dig my nails into my palms and try to muster up enough courage to actually walk out the door. As a last minute decision, I swipe the Shark Bites from the sofa and march out the door. Amy's headlight's blind me and I shield my eyes before they adjust.

I walk to the back passenger side but notice no one is back there nor in the front seat. I open the passenger door and look at Henry, who sits drinking a root beer in the driver's side.

"Where are the guys?" I was glad to have a moment alone with Henry, but I've grown so accustomed to having his friends around. I'd grown fond of Belch, especially. "They're not coming," Henry mutters. I feel my nerves catch up with me and rest my hands on the roof of the car.

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now