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After news of Georgie's disappearance spread, the town seems drearier, heavier with fear. If that's even possible.

In other places we've lived, this would have been handled with a blasé nothing-to-see-here, but despite being new in Derry, I knew things like this just didn't happen.

My dad even seems on edge. During breakfast, he pulls Charlie aside to make sure I can't hear the worry in his voice.

"Charlotte, I need you to keep an eye out for Lorraine today, make sure she doesn't wander too far from the school," I pretend not to notice as I bite down on a piece of bacon. "Dad, Lorraine's a big girl. I'm sure she can handle herself," My father sighs.

I didn't mind, of course.

I'd choose a bloodthirsty kidnapper over my sister any day.

My dad begins speaking to both of us. "Listen, I just don't feel comfortable with you girls wandering around when there's someone taking kids and doing, God knows what," It looks as if the thought alone is enough to give the man nightmares.

"Which is why I've asked Butch to take you both to and from school until whoever's responsible is put to justice," My blood goes cold and I look up from my plate.

"Butch?" I ask, hoping maybe I misheard. I couldn't face him. Not after what I did to Henry, not after what he did to Henry. My dad nods. "Yeah, it's always good to have a friend on the inside," My fork falls to my plate with a clatter and I stand up to dispose of my unfinished eggs.

"Yep, so good," I mutter.

My heart sinks as I hear a knock on the door.

"That should be him," My dad says. I watch as he walks to the front door and opens it, revealing Henry's father, looking mean.

My father doesn't seem to notice as he shakes the man's hand somberly. "Any news?"

Butch shakes his head, seemingly regretful. "Sorry, Lou. Nothing," He habitually places his hand back on his gun. "The girls ready?"

My father nods and Charlie walks out the door, not saying a word to either of the men. I wish I could have done the same, but I had to know,

"How's Henry?"

Butch looks down at me with mixed emotions, as if he is angered I even brought the boy up. Without answering my question, he asks, "Why do you ask?"

"I just haven't spoken to him, is all," My eyes shoot to my shoes as I lie, I've never been good at it.

"He's fine. Headed to school with his knucklehead friends," I think of the boys. What had he told them about me? What excuses had he made? Would he ever talk to me again?

"Thank you," I don't look at him as I walk out the door to the squad car.

The drive to school is full of glances between Butch and me. Charlie seems to notice the awkward silence in the car but doesn't acknowledge it as she wordlessly gets out of the car. I try to do the same but the backdoor doesn't have a handle. Charlie's already disappeared in the crowd and I sit there silently, hoping for a miracle. Hoping for a truck to come crashing into the car. Hoping for anything else.

"Mr. Bowers, I-" I don't get much out before the man gets out of the car and walks around to my side. He opens the door and gets so close to my face, I can smell the beer on his breath.

"You need to learn to mind your damn business. Keep your nose outta places it doesn't belong,"

I don't know what to say, but he continues. "You tell your daddy what happened with Hank, and I won't hesitate to turn both of you on your ass next time, understand?"

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now