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I haven't spoken to Bill or Beverly in two weeks. I try not to worry about it though. If something important had happened, I would know by now. So I just spend my time with Henry, Vic, and Belch.

Today we were spending the day at Henry's house. His dad had asked him to clean his gun while he napped. I knew he'd mess around first if anything but would eventually get around to it.

A small barrel sits between me and Victor as we lounge on two lawn chairs. A bag of chips sits on top of it along with some beers the guys had swiped from the fridge. They take turns shooting various things. Belch hands me the gun after he places a can on top of the trailer they were shooting off of. It's much heavier than I anticipated. I point it ahead and close one eye like I saw Henry do it.

"Wait!" I say before turning towards them. Henry and Belch duck and I point the gun down. "Sorry." Vic and I laugh. "I don't even know how to hold a gun," I say. Henry comes from behind me and takes the gun in one hand and my hand in the other. He gently wraps my fingers around it and moves my arm so the gun is pointing at the can Belch had positioned.

He pulls me back so I'm against his chest. I hear Vic make a fake gagging sound. Henry places my finger over the trigger and brings it down. I wince until I hear the sound of the shot being fired. Belch and Vic whoop and holler as I open my eyes to see the can had flown off the trailer. I give a dramatic bow and hold the gun out to Henry. He takes it and ruffles a hand through my hair as I swat him away with a grumble.

Belch walks over to the turned over garbage cans and fishes out an empty whiskey bottle, placing it accordingly.

Henry shoots the bottle and I watch as it explodes into dozens of tiny glass fragments. We all cheer until Henry points to a large tabby cat that sniffs around the target area. "Put the next target up there."

Belch and Henry exchange a look before Belch shrugs and walks towards the cat. "Henry don't shoot the kitty-" I plead. He snaps his fingers at me and I groan.

Belch tries to put the cat on the trailer but she won't stay. To which Henry responds, "Just hold it."

"Oh my gosh," I say. Vic reaches over to cover my eyes. I wait to hear the shot and instead hear something more startling.

"What the hell's goin' on here?" Belch motions for Vic and I both to get up and go stand with him. "Just cleaning your gun, like you asked." I can hear the shake of Henry's voice. "Cleaning my gun, huh?"

I watch nervously as Butch gets in his son's face. I clench Belch's shirt sleeve as Henry mutters, "Dad." In a pleading tone.

The man yells right in his face making all four of us jump, Henry not so much. I knew he was used to it. Butch starts to walk away and I start to walk to Henry but then his dad turns and fires three warning shots at Henry's feet.

The boys and I jump back as Henry covers his face, cowering behind his hands. I start to stomp towards Butch but Belch grabs my shoulders.

"Look at him now," Butch gestures to a trembling Henry. "Ain't nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble." I watch as Butch walks off before approaching Henry.

"Baby?" He just walks right past me, straight to the Trans Am. I look back at Belch. "Just let him calm down." He reassures me.

After a half hour, the boys and I walk over to where Henry sits in front of Amy.

"You okay, Henry?" Vic calls out, recieving no answer. He turns to us and shrugs. We all watch as Henry gets up and starts walking to his mailbox. I watch as he opens a package, however he's too far for me to see what's inside. I turn to the house and then back to Belch.

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now