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My eyes flick nervously to the time once again as Henry drives towards my house. I become antsy, like a small child that's holding in their latest juice box.

"Henry, my dad's gonna be home any minute, I need you to step on it," The streets are empty of any trick-or-treaters, us being the only people still out.

"I'm going as fast as I fucking can, Lorraine," He gripes at me as it's the fifth time I've nagged him to speed up. Finally, we pull up in front of my house and to my relief, my dad isn't home. "What the hell?" Henry exclaims. "'He's gonna be home soon, Henry, you need to hurry.' Bullshit," Henry makes a high, nasally voice, mocking me. I roll my eyes and unbuckle my seatbelt. "Whatever, it's better we got here too early than too late."

I reach to open my door, but I'm stopped by Henry grabbing my elbow. Confused, I turn to him and give him a look. "What?"

He says nothing but leans in and plants his lips on mine. I put a hand on his face, tilting my head. My eyes open slightly because I want to make sure my dad hasn't pulled into the driveway. I don't see him, however, something else catches my eye. Something in my bedroom window, a motionless silhouette with glowing eyes watching us from the dark.

The Clown. No, this can't be happening. This isn't real. It couldn't have been Charlie, this thing easily towered over both of us. Henry notices I've gotten distracted and pulls away, confused. "What's the matter?" He asks worriedly as if he's done something wrong. I don't answer, too disconcerted watching that...thing. Watching it watch me. The freckled boy turns to what seems to have grabbed my attention. "Do you see it?" I whisper, clutching his shoulder. I expect him to be scared, say something like, 'oh shit!' But he doesn't. He just looks back at me with a smirk. "You're such a dick, you almost had me for a second," He moves in to kiss me again, but I stop him. Now it's my turn to be confused.

"You don't see it?" I look at him, thinking I'm losing my mind. "It's right th-" But it's not. At a second glance to the window, the clown has disappeared. Henry looks back then turns to me again.

"You on something?" I look at him and this time really see the unnerved look in his eye. I laugh nervously and shake my head. "No, not at all. Just a little tired. C'mere," My words come out quick and panicked, but he doesn't notice as I pull him to my lips one last time for the night.

As I enter my house afterward, the TV and lights are off, all is silent, aside from the slight murmuring I hear from the hallway. For the first time, I'm glad to hear my sisters voice. I turn the corner and see the telephone cord clamped in the bathroom door. I roll my eyes and rap on the door before remarking a playful, "Don't take too long in there," The whispers stop and I laugh, figuring the older girl is annoyed at being caught. I crouch under the cord to get to our room. A small piece of paper on the door catches my eye. In the dark, I can barely make out the words.

Went out. Be home soon.

My blood turns to ice as I look at back at the bathroom door, the quiet behind it suddenly terrifying. I keep as quiet as I can, not wanting whoever or whatever's inside to know I've realized it isn't my sister. Making my way to the kitchen, I silently crouch under the cord and tiptoe out of the hallway. In the kitchen, I grab the largest knife we own.

Tears rise up and dread forms in the pit of my stomach as I slowly make my way to the restroom door. I hold my breath as I clasp the doorknob, which is ice cold. Surprised, I draw my hand back and my mind begins to race.

I should just leave the phone in there. But then either Charlie or my dad will come home and blame me for the phone being off the hook, making that God awful error noise all night. I take a deep breath and stare back at the doorknob, clutching the knife to my chest. Mustering up all the courage in me, I grip the knob and throw the door open.

The phone lay motionless on the floor. The dial tone competes with the heartbeat in my ears, both deafening. I extend my foot and kick it out of the room because no way in hell am I going to turn my back on this room. Suddenly, I hear a rustling behind the shower curtain. Thump. My first instinct is to run, but my fear glues my feet to the tiles. The plastic curtain shifts again and I feel tears fall from my eyes, my hands shake. Thump. This isn't happening. It's not happening. I hear more noise and grip the knife tighter. Thump. All while my heart gets louder and louder. The unknown, my heartbeat, the phone, my fear, it all becomes too much. Thump. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream so loud, stripping my throat. The noise stops. My breathing is heavy, but my heartbeat seems to have stopped. "But Lorraine," I hear from behind the curtain. All at once, my blood is ice, my hair stands on end, the knife seeming meaningless now. The shower curtain is pulled back quickly, revealing a monstrosity of a being! Dirty costume, glowing eyes.

"The game's just started."

Suddenly, a loud scream erupts from the back of my throat. My feet are freed from their bounds and I run right out of there. I throw the phone back on the hook and sprint to my room, horrible, evil laughter filling my ears.

I lock the door and run into the closet. I breathe heavily as my eyes dart from dark corner to dark corner, unable to see anything in the pitch black. The evil laughter fades away as if it's source has left the house. I hold my legs to my chest, silent tears streaming down my face.

"This isn't real, this isn't real..." My whispers fill the small space.

"This isn't real, this isn't real..." And slowly, the quiet mantra lulls me to sleep.




"Lorraine!" I'm awoken by a deep voice yelling my name. My eyes slowly open and I see my father, hands on my shoulders, looking like he's seen a ghost. Charlie stands behind him, looking nervous. Perhaps she thinks I'll rat her out.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" My dad asks. Knowing he won't believe what I've seen, I simply mutter, "Bad dream." He looks back at Charlie before pulling me to my feet. "Charlotte, get your sister some water. Here kid, sit down," He allows me to sit on my bed before crouching in front of me as he used to when I was a little girl.

"Lorraine, what's going on with you?" He asks once we're alone. With heavy eyelids, I shake my head. "Nothing Dad," He grabs my hand. "Is it school or the move?" I shake my head. "Is it Charlie? I know how she gets, I could talk to her," I don't respond.

"Is it me? I know I'm not around much, but we can hang out more if that's what you want,"

"No Dad. Look you don't have to worry," I rack my brain, looking for some kind of explanation to give him. "It's, it's this whole thing with Georgie. Really has me paranoid, you know?" His expression changes from concern to understanding. "Yeah, I get it. That's why I worry about you girls. It's not so safe here anymore," He stares at my sweater and a small smile appears on his face. "You went out tonight, didn't you?"

A blush appears on my face and I begin to sputter out an excuse, but he stops me. "Did you do anything you regret?" He asks. I play the night through my head. The kiss, the honesty it brought, Henry. Suddenly all the bad stuff disappears. A smile tugs on the corner of my lips.

"No," I shake my head. "Not at all," My dad smiles and gives me a shrug. "Then I've got nothing to worry about,"

I smile as my dad plants a kiss on my forehead. "Get some sleep, kid." And with that, he leaves. As he does, Charlotte walks in as if she was waiting outside for him to go. "Did he ask about me?" She hands me a green glass.

"No," I take a sip. "But he knows I went out so our deal is off," She gives me the finger before walking into our restroom. I turn to the hall restroom, diagonal to our room.

It was right.

It's just getting started.

𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now