Chapter 8

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That voice rang in my ears like a loud bell. I winced and pushed Joseph away. A million thought ran through my head. Her voice meant that he was right but I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't let him stay and I couldn't go. Her voice disappeared with his touch. I sank to the ground and covered my mouth.

"I'm sorry!" His voice sounded like an echo as he crouched in front of me. He reached out to help me up but I hit his arms.

"No!" I hear myself yell. "Just go Joseph. Get out."

I push him away...physically and emotionally. The darkness threatens to take over but with all of my strength I force it down.

"Valerie, please." His voice is frantic.

"Leave!" I say pushing him again. I'm on my feet somehow. Pushing him away towards the door with one hand. "Go home and don't ever come back!"

The words are like knives to my soul. I knew they were to his. His spirit crumbles and he starts to back away on his own.

"I just wanted to help you Valerie." He says hopelessly. "I just wanted you to be happy."

"No one can help me..." I say aggressively. My anger is being forced at the entity trying to come out. "It will never happen."

"Don't do this." He tries again.

"Get out!" I yell. "Get out Joseph. LEAVE!"

My chamber door opens an Elias hurries in. He grabs Joseph and whispers in his ear as he pulls him out of the room. As soon as the door is shut, I fall to the ground and the beast leaves me with no energy. I lay on the floor for a long time. Tears continue to flow and I feel myself breaking with every breath. A voice in my head sneers and causes me to wince.

"Foolish girl." It hisses. "He was the only one who could change you."

"Get out of my head." I whisper desperately.

"You could have had everything you ever wanted."

"Stop." My voice cracks. I have never felt so weak.

"You could still stop him."



"Leave me alone!" I shout sorely.

"Never." This voice is more of a vicious growl. It hurts my head enough for me to close my eyes and succumb to the unconsciousness. Throughout the numbness I can hear voices. I recognize Elias and Cora.

"Poor girl." Elias grumbles. "If only she had made him stay."

"Shh." Cora sighs. "I wish she hadn't been the last one. Her brother would have caved easier."

"Yes...She is much stronger than he was." Elias agrees.

"I do feel sorry for all the pain she's going through though." She says softly and I can feel her cold hand on my forehead. "What happens next?"

"I'm not sure. We will continue as normal but hopefully we can get another one up here again." He says.

"You know she won't let anyone close again." She sounds tired. "He was the wolfs mate...he definitely would have made things easier for her."

"It's out of our hands for the time being." He says rigidly.

Their voices fade away and I'm put back into a dreamless sleep. I thought about Elias and he talk we had a few days ago.

"You wanted to speak with me Miss." Elias had said once the door was shut.

I turned to look at him. "Yes...I need you to tell me the truth Elias...How bad was it?"

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