Chapter 15

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I stared at the torch as I passed by it and listened closely. The crickets were singing and the trees were rustling against each other in the wind. The fire flickered and sparked at the end of the stick. The pathway was lit with them through the woods. I could barely see the full moon high above the trees. I glanced down and felt a pang of nervousness. Tonight, Joseph and I would be bound together in front of the pack as part of the official marriage ceremony. My steps were slow and even on this soft cleared path in between the treas. I could hear the drums getting closer and closer as we walked. Freya walked in front of me as she clutched the wild flowers tightly in her small hands. Her hair was pulled back into a braid and her mother had woven tiny white flowers throughout it. Her light colored dress reflected the torchlight as we walked, illuminating her tiny figure. She glanced back at me and we smiled at each other before she faced forward again.

I could hear her mother beside me but I hadn't been able to look at her yet. I was wearing the dress she had worn when she married Joseph's father. It was light and stopped just above my ankles. It wrapped around my waist and was tied at the base of my back. There were no sleeves, but I wore a dark red shawl over my shoulders. My hair was untouched as it lay on my shoulders. Freya had made a flower crown for me only an hour ago and had placed it on my head where it still sat. My bare feet sank into the dirt as we walked and I welcomed the connection it gave me to the warmth of the ground. I held a small gathering of white wild flowers in my hands and I kept them pressed against my stomach. I could now see the clearing through the trees. I could hear everyone's whispers as they sat waiting but something else was louder. I could hear Joseph's heart pounding in his chest, as I knew he could hear mine doing the same. I had never been so nervous in my life.

Now we were feet away from the entrance to the clearing. We had stopped and everyone stood to his or her feet and the drumming softened. A stringed instrument began to play and Freya began walking towards the front. Her mother stepped ahead and looked at me.

"You look beautiful." She says smiling softly. "Don't be nervous Valerie. He loves you with everything he has."

I nod because the words get caught in my throat. I smile and she touches her forehead to mine and holds my shoulders.

"Let the moon lift you up." She says quietly before pulling away.

She turns and walks down the isle and stands next to Freya on the first row of seating. Now everyone is looking at me and I allow myself to move forward. Joseph and I lock eyes and I can feel my heartbeat quicken along with the increasing intensity of the drums. The cool breeze pushes my hair back over my shoulders as I walk. Joseph smiles as I stop to stand in front of him. Oscar is standing between us wearing official robes. They're dark blue and gold; which are the pack colors. Technically the Alpha would be the one to marry people in the pack but since Joseph was the new Alpha, Oscar, as the head elder of the council had to fill in the position. He nodded his head and everyone sat down leaving us standing alone. Joseph held out his hands and grabbed mine gently once I let him. His touch calmed my nerves and I relaxed slightly. Oscar grasped his hands and smiled.

"Today is a great day." He says calmly. "Today we not only bind you two together but we also receive our new Luna with open arms."

Everyone claps and cheers.

"Valerie Morton, as the Luna you will be responsible for the people here today. You will need to care, protect and serve them with your life. Do you accept these responsibilities? " Oscar looks at me.

"I accept." I say nodding.

"Welcome home." He says and he drapes a dark beaded necklace over my head.

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