Chapter 16

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Everyone jumps into action. The women grab the children and head towards us while most of the men run outside.

"Go underground." Joseph says to the others and me. "Do not come out until I come get you." He grabs me and quickly kisses me before tearing away from me. He runs out the front before I can stop him.

"Luna, we must hurry." One of the women pulls on my arm.

Reluctantly I follow her out the back and to the opening of the tunnels. I make sure everyone is in before shutting the door behind us. Being in here is nerve racking. I could feel this insatiable pressure building up inside of me like something was scratching to be free. I didn't like the idea of being underground either. It felt like I was being buried. I paced back and forth in front of the door just in case we missed someone. Everyone else had gone further down to be close to the escape route if necessary. I found myself standing in front of the door with my hand on the handle.

"Valerie, Joseph told us to stay put." His mother's voice echoed behind me.

"I just want to help." I mutter griping the handle tighter.

"You haven't shifted since you came here."

I hadn't shifted since I died. She spoke with logic but there was something pulling me outside.

"You could get hurt and Joseph would never forgive himself."

"I could never forgive myself if he got hurt and I did nothing." I snap in almost a growl. The energy kept building and all I wanted to do was run out of here.

"We need you down here." She pleads.

"There are ten warrior women down here with won't need me." I say. "Besides, I haven't shifted. I'd be of no use down here."

"Even more reason for you to stay."


"Go." The voice from deep within says and I feel the handle turn.

"I must go." I say hurriedly and I swing the door open. I run through and slam it shut behind me before rushing back towards the village.

There was fire billowing out of a destroyed house and a few of the men were trying to put it out. I could hear the yelling closer to the river so I ran in that direction. My body began to heat up as I ran but I knew this was something new. I yelled out in pain as the first bones began to break and I slammed to the ground. These few agonizing moments felt like years. I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed. My screams turned to howls and when I opened my eyes I knew I was no longer in human form.

"Let me show you a new world." My wolf purred and I let her take control.

I took off through the houses and towards the fighting. I broke into the clearing and tackled the first mangy wolf I saw. He didn't stand a chance. I knew I was smaller now without the curse but the strength was still there. I kept moving closer and closer towards the center of the fight until I was fighting side by side with Joseph's wolf. I knew he knew who I was. He became aggressive as the rogues attacked us both. He would take out his opponent and then attack mine before I could finish him off. The rogues saw this and changed their tactics. After he took down one and turned to take down mine, two jumped at him. One landed on his back and tore into his shoulder. He growled in pain as they rolled into the grass. The other pounced to attack his exposed belly. I immediately jumped and bit into his throat, breaking his neck instantly. As soon as we landed, I spun around and jumped at the rogue on top of Joseph. I collided with him, and we fell to the side. He bit into my shoulder and then Joseph bit into his leg and pulled him back. I turned and bit into his neck and ripped his throat out. We both let him fall and stepped away. We could see the rogues retreating. The other male wolves chased the rogues across the river. Joseph came up to me and growled but licked my wounded shoulder. He nudged me and started walking towards the village. We walked through the houses until we came to ours and we walked behind it. He shifted and walked inside. He came back out wearing pants and carried clothes for me.

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