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Okay guys hello I know it's been a few years hasn't it !

I just want to start to tell you how much support I've been getting because of this book, and I honestly didn't expect nor did I plan for any of this to happen, but I would honestly like to thank you all so much for everything.

In all of my other books and this one I have received so much positive comments and I feel as if I owe you all an explanation for why I haven't been active at all.

Long story short I started this story just over two years ago, it was just going to be a passer by to keep me occupied, but as time went on I realised how much people enjoyed this story, the reads got from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000 to 10,000 and they keep getting higher.

Now the reads to me mean nothing, and I mean nothing, of course I'm pleased and over the moon that my book as attracted so many positive and amazing readers but nothing was ever about the numbers.

I decided around a year ago to take a break from Wattpad, focus on my personal life and family.

Now before we get into a sap story of why I've not been active I just want you all to know it's all completely going to change as I have a surprise hidden in this chapter !

Basically, a few weeks after I decided to break from Wattpad, a new school year started, and I was never the popular one, I was the quiet one, I wasn't exactly friends with those populars but we didn't hate eachother either.

But as I moved into my new year in school, I got a boyfriend, I know it's all awwww and ahhhh, we got together on the 21st of October 2017, nearly a year ago. Throughout the course of our relationship I found myself falling for him, I didn't plan on it but I don't regret it.

He kept me grounded, he was always the one i would go to for anything, I could call at 3pm or 3am and he would pick up and listen, he worried for me as I did for him and I loved him.

Key word, loved.

This boy, who over the course of only a few months I had unintentionally fallen for, soon broke my heart on the 9th of April 2018.

I know, 4 months today 😂

And I'm still not completely over it, I loved this boy with everything I had, he was my entire world and no matter what was thrown my way I was prepared because I had him.

He was there when my sister was sent to hospital, he was there as I was just about to slap the girl who called my best friend a slut, he was there as I was crying my eyes out about the rumours circulating the school. He was always there, nobody could replace him. He was my best friend.

And just so you know how heartbroken I was, imagine Alya x Nino, Adrien x Marinette, Tom x Sabine, Julika x Rose and every other otp in existence all breaking up .

But in one.

And I am not the best person in the world for controlling my emotions, and to say I was a mess after or breakup would win the award for the understatement of the year.

Looking back now, I realised all my friends were stepping on eggshells, they said one thing wrong, argument, one thing about him, argument. I was a ticking time bomb with a timer you couldn't see the numbers for.

It was only a matter of time before I cracked.

And I still haven't

But it doesn't stop there, my god it doesn't stop there.

Over the next few months my ex and his best friends made my life hell, also did I forget to mention previously that me and my ex were my schools power couple? Not self proclaimed, but by the Queen B herself.

See you again|An Adrinette Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now