7. What?

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❤️Amabel's P.O.V❤️

Kim and Nick's baby is just adorable.

But it's no surprise coming from the most perfect couple EVER! I want to be in a relationship like theirs. But I know I never will.

Yeah, I'm the towns favorite, but I'm not exactly the fairest in the land. Or the town.

I've got a nose with a bump, only one dimple, huge feet, long hair that no one needs, cheeks that turn rosy when it's warm or when I blush, and not the most perfect womanly body image. I'm not the skinny that everyone needs me to be. But I don't really care. I am who I am, not what everyone needs me to be.

I hope you grow up like Ezekiel, little one,I thought. He'll be here to make you exactly like him. And I'll be here to help.

He cooed.


I smiled at him and he smiled back. Mom said I had this effect on kids. I smiled at them, they smiled back. I talked to them, they talked to me. It's a gift, she said. I believe her.

I got interrupted from my thoughts when Jake began to cry.

First small, then it got huge.

"Shh." Ha! As if that would work! Well it did once, but that kid was different, plus it wasn't a new on baby! I thought of something, but I wasn't sure it would work.

I started to sing.

It was a song my mom used to sing me to sleep with. It didn't always work because I hung out in my brothers room, listening to their scary stories, and telling my own stories that made them cry or have a look if fear in their face, at like midnight.

🎵Calm down little one, there's Angels in the sky,
Looking out for you,
There's no danger hiding anywhere,

🎵No, none at all,
Instead you've got a angel,
looking out for you,
Including me and always me🎵

Yeah sure it wasn't as catchy, but mom said it was passed down my family and she only sang it to me and me only.

Jake stopped crying and was soon falling asleep. I smiled to myself. He's so adorable! Please don't turn out like Ezekiel. Please. The sound of a creak interrupted my thoughts and wishes for the kid not to become like Ezkekiel.

I didn't turn around and stick my hands in defense like I usually do, instead I stood there and waited.

"That was beautiful," said a male voice.

I only knew the beholder of the voice for a little while, but yet I knew it perfectly well.

"You know it isn't nice to eavesdrop on people." I turned around to see the prince. Back at the bar he was an idiot to think I would ever say 'your highness' or 'your majesty' none the less.

"I'm sorry it's just that they started arguing and I decided to wander around. And then . . ." He kept looking at me strangely.


"I'm sorry it's just that I thought of something," he replied. I looked at him curiously. "What'd you think of?", I said.

He looked deeply at me, his brown eyes sinking into my soul.

"How about you go back to the castle with me?" I couldn't believe what he just suggested. "What?!?" He didn't seem to move. "Would you think of going back to the castle with me?"

"Why would you suggest that? You just heard that I would never take a step inside that palace of snots. Is there a reason you would want me to go?" What is he thinking? Taking me to a place where I would never want to go?

After a slight moment of silence between us, asides from Jake's breathing, he finally answered. "Because of your voice. And your hair and you skills and your talents." I raised an eyebrow. "I still don't understand." He sighed. "You would do great in court. We could have suitors for you and then you could attend the balls and go walk around the garden."

"So you weren't listening."

"No," he stepped closer to me," I was, but . . ."

"But nothing," I replied, putting my pointer finger on his lips to shush him from his stupid recommendation. "I wouldn't suit well in a palace, of all places. I love the outdoors and the freedom, not being in tight dresses in a room packed with people."

"So I take that as a no?"

I looked at him the way I look at Ezekiel when it's obvious.

"What do you think?"

"No worries. I'll have my chances to try again and I will succeed.", Why does he want me to go? Surely this is the strangest royal I've ever met. "For now, why don't you explain how you did that."

"Did what?"


"That what?"

"That thing."

"What thing?"

He slapped his face with the heel of his palm. I grinned. "Do you always do that to people?" I scrunched my face. "No, only to people who have had the mistake of asking stupid questions."

He stuck his tongue at me.

Huh. I've never met someone like this. I stuck my tongue out in response and walked to the window with Jake still in my arms.

What am I going to do with someone like this hanging around?


Hello my friends. Finally updated and I'm not sure if I did that well. I'm trying my hardest to make this funny in some way for you'll, so don't judge or hate. I'm trying.


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