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It was finally graduation day. Everybody received money from their family. And the gang was finally hanging out one last time at Eric Cartman's house.

"We did it guys," Stan held up his solo cup, filled with a spiked drink, "we should do something before we all go our own way,"

Everybody cheers in agreement, holding up their drinks. Stan pulls Wendy down onto his lap with ease, with no where else to sit. The pair exchange a brief kiss. People fling cups at them in response.

"We could hang out at Eric's house for a few days," Butters suggests; looking down at his drink, unsure if he should drink it.

"Butters that is fucking gay as fucking fuck. You are banned from having ideas," Cartman dumps the remains of the sticky drink on the poor blonds head.

"We could do a road trip," Craig offers; Tweek between his legs, nodding.

The commotion in the room stops. Everyone stares at Craig. Going over his idea in their heads.

Kyle breaks the silence," that's not a bad idea. My dad has a camper we haven't used. He bought it when he pulled some lawyer crap,"

"We have money from our families too. I mean - it's meant for college and all that but we can use it to pay for the trip," Clyde adds. Everyone's eyes widen, surprised Clyde had said something wise. The group agrees on a road trip.

Kyle texts his mom, asking if he could use the camper," She said it's fine."

"H-how do w-we figure out whe-where to go?" Jimmy stutters out. Stan grabs a beer bottle and places it on the ground.

"Everyone gets to pick a destination. This bottle will decide who picks," Stan spins the bottle. People watch the bottle spin with anticipation. It finally lands on Bebe; who isn't paying attention and has a hand entangled in her curly blonde hair.

"Bebe where do you want to go?" Kenny asks, flicking a rat across the room.

"Yeah. You stupid hoe," Cartman snickers.

"First off, I'm not a hoe; that's your mom. Second, I want to go to the Gulf of Mexico. I want to go to the beach," Bebe's brown eyes light up, excited. She was ecstatic to pick the first destination.

Everyone raised their glasses and even Butters took a drink from their glass. The gang decides to go to their respective home to go pack. They would meet at Kyle's house in an hour and plan further on the road.

Kyle sat in the fancy camper waiting for everyone to show up. First to arrive were Tweek and Craig, both with a suitcase in their hands and two bags on Craig's back.

"Are you sure you've got everything babe?" Craig looks back at his twitchy boyfriend.

"I think so,"

The pair set their bags down in the closet. The camper was huge, with a bedroom, bathroom and closet. Craig and Tweek being the first ones to arrive called dibs on the bedroom.

Next to arrive were Stan and Wendy. Stan carried all of their bags - despite Wendy's protests to help.

"Can we have the bedroom?" Wendy asks, checking out the perimeter.

"Tweek and Craig already called dibs," Kyle shrugs, sitting down on the couch. Stan and Wendy sit down at the table across from eachother, holding hands.

"Hey everybody," Bebe announces, a suitcase in her hands and two bags on her shoulder. Kenny following behind her with his black suitcase.

"Where is everyone?" Kenny asks, placing some vodka in the refrigerator.

"Tweek and Craig are probably fucking-"

"No we're not," Tweek retorts, yelling through the walls.

"Tweek is loud. You'd know if we were fucking," Craig yells.


Kyle's shakes his head, taken aback,"Anyways, it's just us so far. At least we have over half of us,"

Jimmy and Clyde are the next to arrive. Clyde helps his buddy out by carrying his bags, placing them into the closet, along with his own bags.

"H-hey guys," Jimmy greets everyone who is there - except Tweek and Craig who are still in the bedroom.

Kyle counts who is yet to arrive. Token, Butters and Cartman are all who are left.

Butters opens the camper door; letting Cartman in, who doesn't have a bag in his hands. Butters follows, hunched over from the weight of bags. Token enters behind the pair.

"Hey! Everybody is here," Kyle claps his hands together. Clyde goes the the bedroom to get Tweek and Craig; who return with a undone appearance.

"Who's driving?" Clyde looks around the room for a volunteer. Cartman immediately hops in the drivers seat, starting the vehicle. Kyle gets in the passenger seat to give the chubby male directions.

The group settled into the camper. Craig and Tweek moved their bags to the bedroom so their was more room for everyone else had room for their bags. Wendy, Stan, Jimmy and Bebe sat at the table chatting about how their spontaneity was exciting. Token, Clyde and Kenny sat on the couch watching a movie on the small TV. Butters organized the kitchen area, putting away junk food people brought into the cabinets.  Softly, he hums to himself as he does the small work amount of work the others had made.

Butters moves to the closet to organize that, noticing six small tents. Butters mused to himself that people must have prepared for camping. When done in the closet Butters sit down in a chair, hoping to catch some z's. Worried he wouldn't be able to, Cartman isn't the best driver.

Up front Cartman is turning onto the interstate, accelerating to pass someone.

"Chill out fatass," Kyle exclaims, trying to clutch the steering wheel.

"No Kahl. I know how to drive,"

"You only got your license because the dmv pitied you. How many times did you take the driving test?" Kyle looks down at the map on his phone.

"That may be so, but...but at least I got it," Cartman attempts to get back at Kyle, failing miserably. Kyle rolls his eyes and looks back at his friends. Content with how they're handling Cartman nearly killing them, Kyle faces forward.

This was going to be a long trip.

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