Chapter Three: Florida

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It was approaching mid-afternoon when the crew finally reached the golf course. The sun was covered by clouds, providing an overcast. Humidity filled the peninsula's delicate air. Bebe passed around around paper fans she had made attempting to beat the heat. It didn't stop people from complaining about Florida, golf and even old people.

"Flor-flor-florida sucks ass y-you guys," Jimmy complains slowly sipping from a bottle of water.

"No. Old people suck. I fucking hate old people," Cartmam feverishly fans himself, enraged.

"You hate everyone and everything. Don't make your hate seem special," Kyle rolls his eyes, placing a cool water bottle to his forehead.

"I don't hate everyone."

"He doesn't hate me," Clyde makes finger guns, pointing them at Cartman; as if to say 'I got your back'.

"Yeah! I don't hate Clyde, "

When the fighting diminishes the three boys return to cooling themselves down. With one fluid motion Clyde takes off his t-shirt, spinning it above his head twice before tossing it at Token.

"This is why we can't have nice things," Token says in monotone.

"I'm a nice thing," Clyde crosses his arms, pouting.

"No-nobody w-wants your a-ass Clyde," Jimmy winks with a chuckle.

"It's a lovely ass excuse you," Clyde defensively grabs his bum.

"I don't get payed enough for this," Token mumbles under his breath.

Stan stops fanning himself, deciding to add designs to his fan. After a brief search for a pen scribbled are added to the fan. Along with a large print reading 'I hate golf'. Stan sighs in accomplishment, and returns to fanning himself. Tweek notices Stan's fan and scowls. He coyly walks over to Stan, meakly grabbing his fan. With a sly smile Tweek rips the fan in half.

"What the fuck Tweek?" Stan's eyes fill with curiosity and slight betrayal.

"If my man wants to golf respect it,"

"Golf is just kind of lame,"

"Ngh! And you're kind of a douchebag," Tweek fires back, stomping off to the bedroom.

"That was so hot," Craig smiles into his palm,"Tweek wait up. Can I do your laundry? " Craig asks, following Tweek to the room.

Bebe squints her eyes," that a dirty metaphor? " her brown eyes widen hearing a moan escape through the door.

"That would be a yes," Kenny winks, wrapping an arm around Bebe. Flinching at his touch she tosses his arm off of her, flipping him off.

"Hey guys. We're here," Wendy says, pulling into the golf course parking lot, taking up two spots.

Everyone piles out of the vehicle except Kenny and Butters, who decided to wait to golf. Kenny strides over to the fridge, pulling out his vodka. The blond gestures Butters to come over with his finger. Kenny twists off the lid pouring two drinks, handing Butter's the second one. Butters looks down at the clear liquid, closing his eyes choking back the burning liquid. Kenny smiles pouring another drink for himself, waiting for Butters; who just set down his cup. Pouring more into the other boys glass, motioning for 'cheers'. The two clink their cups together, some liquid going over the edge of the glass.

"I think that's enough Kenny," Butters sputters after forcing down the last drop. Kenny nods, placing his hands on Butter's waist.

"Let's go steal a golf cart, " Kenny exclaims gleefully, spinning Butter's around.

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