Chapter Eleven: Yellowstone

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"Whoa look at that view," Kyle points out the window, watching wildlife peek through the tree-line.

"Kyle, we live in the rockies. We see this view pretty much everyday," Wendy shakes her head interested by the view. Not caring that they were almost to Yellowstone National Park.

"Oh Jesus man, Yellowstone is on top of a super volcano. Gah! What if it erupts and we die? I don't want to die man," Tweek looks down at his phone, reading various articles about Yellowstone being overdue for an eruption. Unable to look away as he struggles to keep his phone in his hands while he shook,"We're all gonna' die!"

"Tweek, calm down babe," Craig places a hand on the twitchy blond's shoulder. Rubbing small gentle circles on his arm in an attempt to sooth him,"just put down your phone."

"Take it," he shutters, shoving his phone into the noirette's hands,"I don't want to die Craig. Especially now." Tweek glances down at his ring, bitting the inside of his cheek.

"Babe, you're the strongest person I know. It's okay to have a panic attack. Just let it all out,"

"Gah!" Tweek gets on the floor and crosses his legs, sitting down in the lotus position to mediate. Breaking his concentration to thank Craig who joins him.

From the corner of his eye Stan watches the two. No longer concerned about their engagement. No longer jealous of their engagement. Only curious of what a relationship with another dude would be like. Confused because of Butters. Heartbroken because of Wendy. Unable to tell what he wants. Wendy always seemed to hurt him, but he didn't even know if he was into Butters.

It was almost like a last minute plot inconvenience, Stan thought.

"We're here," Bebe calls, breaking multiple trances,"Everybody out. We have to get into groups. I know us and we tend to split up." Bebe says, unbuckling herself from the drivers seat,"I still think Craig, Tweek, Kyle and Cartman should be a team together." She states while exiting the camper. The four boys looks amongst each-other and nod in agreement.

"Fine," Craig flips Bebe off, her back facing towards him,"we are going to the hot springs, the hot water will help keep Tweek calm."

"What if it's too hot!" Tweek pulls at the collar of his button-up.

"We'll figure that out then. Now let's go get changed."

As the four boys leave to get changed Bebe sighs,"they're so cute," placing her right hand under her chin.

"I want to g-go on the tour," Jimmy smiles as he gets through the sentence,"I can tell some fan-fantastic jokes on the tour."

"We might meet some chicks on the tour," Clyde nudges Token's side,"I'm single, in need of a pringle but ready to mingle." The brunette tuts, making finger guns.

"Clyde," Token sighs,"One, that's not a saying. Two, I'm talking to the girl from Tennessee,"

"Be my wing-man?" Clyde bats his eyes, sticking out his bottom lip.


"I'll pose as his girlfriend," Bebe places a hand on her waist, tossing her hair with her free hand,"I'll help my buddy out," She strides over to Clyde, ruffling his hair,"Token we are now a couple" Bebe makes air quotation marks around the work couple.

"Okay?" Token

"How about the rest of us go hiking?" Wendy looks at a path, wanting to get some exercise after sitting down for so long,"it'll be fun."

"Yeah!" Butters cheers,"let's go," he heads into the forest, taking Kenny's hand in his.


Craig, Tweek, Cartman and Kyle snuck through the forest in search of a hot spring. Finding a small pool of water to the right. The darker haired boys immediately strip of their shirts at the sight of the clear water. Dunking themselves into the water while the other two took their time. Tweek slowly unbuttoned his shirt, struggling with the buttons while Kyle just took his time.

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