Chapter One

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"Ne~ Shouta~ Let's get married!"

"I don't think we can at this age, Hanesaki."

"Then let's do it when we're older, kay?"

"No thanks. Marriage seems like a pain. And besides, being neighbours with you and going to the same school as you is already too much for me to handle."

"So you DO want to get married to me! Yatta!!"

"You didn't understand a thing I said, did you?"

"Me and Shouta are getting married!!!!~~"



I opened my eyes and woke up, realizing that I was dreaming about my childhood with Shouta.

"Well that was nostalgic", I said to myself as I sat on the bed. Looking to my side, I saw an empty space left in the covers. 'Guess he already woke up.' I then turned my gaze to the beautiful, shining ring on my left hand and instinctively smile at it. It's been a year since me and Shouta got married, but even so, I always seem to marvel at the ring on my finger. To me it is the most precious thing I have, and the fact that Shouta gave it to me makes it priceless.

As I continue to daydream, I heard the bedroom door slowly open. There I saw my wonderful husband enter, already fully changed and ready for work. He also had a black apron on and carried a pan with something delicious cooking inside.

"Good morning Shouta!" I said brightly.

"Good morning. So you finally woke up?", he said in his usual tired voice.

"Yes and I'm starving! I feel like I could eat 2 whole cows for breakfast."

"With your appetite, I wouldn't be surprised if you ate a whole farm", he sarcastically said with a smirk. "Hurry up and get ready so we can eat."


5 minutes later~

"Shouta!! Do you know where my uniform is? I swear it was in my bag when I came back from the hospital!" I yelled, desperately trying to find my clothes.

"I put it in the laundry after you went to bed. Don't worry I'll get it. You just sit here and eat breakfast."

"Gomen ne, Shouta. I guess I forgot to do it myself after falling asleep."

"It's fine. Just be sure not to waste the food I made for you. I didn't wake up early in the morning for nothing," he calmly said as he headed to the laundry room.

'Ahhh~ I'm so lucky to have such a great husband like him. It's not just today, but ever since I started working at the hospital as a surgeon, things have been pretty busy. Plus, villain activity has been increasing this past week, and so more injured people are getting sent to us. That's why I always come home late without any energy to move after a long day's work. I honestly am grateful to have Shouta taking care of me, when I already know he is probably as tired as I am, since he's always tired. But seeing a kind and gentle Shouta just makes me fall for him even more!'

I placed both my elbows on the edge of the dining table and both my hands on each side of my face as I smile and stare adoringly at my husband who just returned with my uniform.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, sitting down in the seat in front of me. He casually then put my clothes in my bag for me and lazily leaned back in his seat with his arms comfortably crossed.

"I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have you! Even though when we were kids, you somehow seemed annoyed whenever I asked you to do a favor for me. But now, you're helping me without me asking! Like doing most of the housework, and always reminding me about what I need for the day. I feel like we're a married couple now!" I said while smiling at him.

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