Chapter Three

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Third Person POV

Today is February 26, the day of the awaited entrance exam at U.A., and as one of the judges, Aizawa had to attend. Since it is an important day, it is crucial to be punctual on such an occasion. However, for this tired man, the concept of waking up early still wasn't clicking.

But for his diligent wife, she set an alarm just in case he wouldn't wake up in time.

*Beep**Beep* the alarm went off, trying to wake up the sleepy couple. Hanesaki was the first to wake up as she groggily reached to shut it off.

'The exam is at 9:00 am, and now it's 8:00 am, so we have an hour to get ready. That's plenty of time,' she thought as she turned over to see her sleepy husband, who seemed to be unaffected by the sudden noise. 'He's so cute when he's asleep~' she sweetly smiled at the sight as her eyes trailed to inspect his other features. He was wearing a black long-sleeve shirt with baggy black sweatpants that perfectly matched his character. His blanket covered up to his torso, highlighting his wide shoulders and well-structured lower body. His hair was pushed behind his shoulders, revealing his thick, muscular neck and built chest. Even though he may appear like a thin, scruffy guy, he is actually more toned than one would expect.

'He must have been working out lately. Maybe he visited my family's dojo to train again; I guess since the new school year is approaching, he wanted to prepare himself so that he could help train the new generation of heroes who applied this year. Even though he may be lazy, he works hard when it matters.' Hanesaki giggled to herself. 

'I won't forget the time he first came to the dojo in middle school. Because he decided to become a hero and take hero classes in high school, he knew that he needed to train his body physically. He knew his quirk wasn't suited for close combat, so he came to my place to train.'

Flashback~ At the Hanesaki Dojo

Constant groaning could be heard from inside one of the Hanesaki's private dojos. Aizawa was currently sparring with Hanesaki in a one-on-one challenge, but he couldn't keep up with her. Every time he would head in to strike, she would just dodge and quickly counter him. The objective for Aizawa at the moment was to practice flipping his opponents, however Hanesaki wasn't going to give him the chance to do it. Even though she still had feelings for him around the time, she didn't, at any point go easy on him.

*huff**huff* "I didn't know you were so good at this, Hanesaki," Aizawa commented as he wiped his sweat from his cheek.

"Of course I am! I've been training for a long time now, so it shouldn't be a surprise."

"I guess you're right," he said as he straightened his back into a fighting stance, ready to challenge her once more.

"Do you want to take a break Shouta? We can continue later if you want," she suggested in a worried tone.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not going to leave until I finally flip you," he firmly stated.

"Shouta....," she drifted, impressed with his determination.

"Okay! One more time!" he declared to her.

"Mm!" she nodded happily.

Flashback End~

'After a few days of continuous sparring, he did manage to flip me in the end. I was so proud of him!' She simply stared at his sleeping face as she remembered the days they shared together in their youth. 'He's so much stronger than when he was a middle schooler. I bet he's even on par with me at this point! Maybe I should go practice with him sometime.'

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