Chapter Eight

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Hanesaki's POV

I walked over towards Asui and Mineta as they placed Shouta on the ground carefully.

"Everyone, please get back," I ordered as I kneeled in front of my unconscious husband.

'This is just too cruel.'

I tried to examine him in more detail when my eyes trailed to our engagement ring on his left hand. I lightly put my hand over his as I felt tears on the edge of my eyes, threatening to fall.

'This is no place to be crying! Focus Misa! His life is depending on you!' I slapped both my cheeks and rubbed my eyes with my sleeve.

I could tell that the students were worried about me when they saw me wiping my tears.

"Sensei...." I heard Uraraka say in concern.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," I reassured as I gave her a close-eyed smile. I turned back to Shouta and stared at him with determination.

"I'm not going to let him die. Not on my watch."

I felt everyone's gaze on me as they watched as I touched their teacher's body, checking for all places of injury.

"Ganbatte, Sensei!!" they all cheered.

"Leave it to me!!" I replied like Toshinori.

'His arms have been fractured badly. Not only the bone, but his blood vessels might be twisted as well. His breathing is slightly faint but normal enough to not worry about.'

I then went to check his head for any shock or wounds. 'It doesn't seem like there's any brain damage since his cranium seems fine. But his eyes are a problem. There are so many scratches and cuts near the bottom of his eyes. It probably happened when they smashed him to the ground. In that case, his eyes might have some trouble recovering.'

I then proceeded to heal his face first because it seemed to have received the most damage. I activated my quirk to accelerate his healing mechanism.

'I guess it's hard to see when his face is covered with blood.' I untucked my shirt and ripped a piece of it, wiping off the excess blood.

I then continued to concentrate on healing Shouta. I didn't even look at All Might's battle because of the immense focus I was putting into my skills.

'Please let help come soon! I can't do much without any supplies!' I then gritted my teeth as I could feel the repercussions of my quirk. 'If I use my acceleration for too long, my hands start to heat up.'

'Hang in there Shouta! Just a bit longer! I know you can do this! You promised me you wouldn't die, right?!'

I could feel my hands starting to burn.

'You never break your promises, right?!'

"Ah!!" I screamed a bit at the pain in my fingers.

"Sensei!!" Ashido ran to me. "You don't have to push yourself so hard!"

"If I don't push myself, then who will save Shouta?!"

She was taken aback at my determination.

"He's my one and only husband! I won't stop until my hands fall off!" I said, trying to withstand the pain.

"No need to worry," I gave her a wide smile. "It doesn't hurt as much as it looks."

I then turned back to Shouta and felt my resolve grow stronger.

"I'll definitely save him, no matter what!"

Third Person POV

Hanesaki was doing her best to heal Aizawa as much as she could but was about to reach her limit. Her hands were heating up from overusing her quirk, and as a result, some burns developed around her fingers. Despite the pain, she continued on with the treatment. However, she suddenly stopped her quirk when she heard several footsteps approaching from the door.

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