Chapter Six

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Hanesaki's POV

"Next!" I shouted as I defeated my opponent with a single roundhouse kick.

"S-She's too strong!" I heard one of the men say.

"Move aside, I'll take her on," my younger brother Ayato said as he walked into the ring. (A/N: he's in the picture above) He stood a good distance from me and went into a fighting stance.

You see yesterday, my brother called me and asked me to come visit for some training at the dojo. And since I didn't have anything better to do, I accepted his invitation. As of now, I defeated every person in the room where they sat around the ring, watching carefully at the match that was about to unfold.

Unlike the students who wore white uniforms (called a gi), I had a red one with a black belt wrapped around my waist. My brother also wore the same thing as me, as it indicated one who has been recognized in the Hanesaki house for demonstrating great prowess in the way of martial arts.

I tightened my belt as I examined my brother, seeing how much he grew in the past few months.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me, younger brother? Last time I checked, you were still at zero wins in your fights against me," I taunted him.

"We'll see about that, Nee-san!"

"Hajime!" the referee declared.

In a second, he closed the distance between us and jabbed with his right hand, aiming at my face. I gracefully dodged his attack as I turned around in place, with my back facing him. I then used both my hands and grabbed his clothes, flipping him over, hitting the ground. I went in for a punch, just stopping seconds before the referee called the match.

"One point! Match won by Hanesaki Misako-sama!"

I helped my brother up as we went back to the center of the ring.

"Rei! (Bow!)"

"Arigato gozaimasu!" we both said as we bowed to each other.

"I see you've gotten faster than before, Ayato," I said as I walked up to him, patting his shoulder.

"And you haven't lost your touch, even after marriage, Oba-san~"

"Who are you calling Oba-san you cheeky little brat!" I scolded as I wrapped my arm around his neck, choking him.

"G-Gomenasai," he tried to say as he was tapping out on my arm.

*huff* *huff* "I still wonder what your husband thought was cute about a gorilla woman like you," he coughed out as he kneeled on the floor.

"Shouta accepts all of me, and that's what makes him so special~" I fawned as I started to act all girly.

"You don't even react to the gorilla part....."

"But more importantly, Ayato," I began as I put my hands on my hips, "You're already 26 and still single!!! When are you going to find a girl for yourself?!"

"Don't assume everybody is looking for love like how you did!" he yelled. "I plan on devoting myself to training in order to become the rightful leader of our family. I don't have time for such leisurely activities!"

"That's what loners say," I bluntly said.

"Shut up! Besides, I wouldn't be doing this if you just accepted your position as the next head of the house," he mumbled like a petty kid.

"Aww, I'm glad that my little brother loves me so much!" I said as I wrapped my arm around his neck while giving him a noogie.

"S-Stop it! I-I never said anything like that!" he whined, getting out of my hold. "It's just since Nee-san is much stronger than me, I can't confidently say that I'm worthy of taking over our family's legacy...." he said as he looked to the side, clearly upset.

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