Chapter Five

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Timeskip~ End of the Test

Third Person POV

The whole class gathered around Aizawa as they were anxious to see the results of their assessment. But also, they were all curious to see who was in last place.

"The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain it, so I'll just show you the results all at once," Aizawa explained, showing the ranking chart.

Midoriya hesitantly looked up as he searched to find his name on the list. His eyes trailed all the way to the bottom, where his name was written down.

'I'm in last place .... Then that means!–'

"No one is getting expelled," a pink-haired female announced as she approached the class at the front. "Am I right? Shouta~"

"I knew it was you, Hanesaki," Aizawa lazily said.

"Hee Hee, I guess the secret's out."

"S-Sensei, about last place getting expelled," Midoriya shyly asked.

"Oh, that was a lie."


"It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks," he said with a smirk.


"It should've been obvious if you just thought it through," Yaoyorozu added.

'I didn't notice....' the other students thought as they stared at her.

"It looks like you have a promising bunch this year Shouta! Good for you," Hanesaki said as she looked at each of the students.

"A-Ano, who might you be?" Denki asked the pink-haired girl nervously.

"Oh, sorry about that. My name is Aizawa Misako! It's nice to finally meet you all!"

"A-Aizawa? Then that means....."

"That's right, I'm your homeroom teacher's wife!"

"EHHHHHH?????!!!" the whole class yelled in shock.

"Are you serious?"

"A pretty woman like that, with a scruffy guy like him?!!"

"That's so romantic~"

Everyone started chatting amongst themselves as they didn't expect their lazy homeroom teacher to have been married, especially to a bright, cheerful woman like her.

Midoriya, on the other hand, was more focused on figuring out where he's seen her before, "Hmm......Ah! That pink hair, and those magenta eyes! Could you be the Lawless Hero: Scarlet Queen?!!!"

"Yes, that's me."

"Woah amazing!!! You became famous for your work in arresting many underground leaders, and because of that, you quickly became the 3rd rank hero!!!"

"Third rank?!"

"That's pretty amazing!" some of the students said in amazement.

"I am such a big fan of yours!!!" Midoriya squealed as he was overjoyed by seeing Hanesaki in person.

"Why thank you," she said with a smile. "And you must be Midoriya, right?"

"Y-Yes!!! But how did you know that?"

"A friend of mine told me about you. I was very impressed by how you performed today."

"T-Thank you very much!" he bowed respectfully to her.

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