Chapter Two

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Hanesaki's POV

'Phew, I am so glad that my shift ends early today!' I thought as I walked out the hospital wearing my usual clothes: a simple, long-sleeved, white dress shirt with a thin black ribbon tied underneath the collar, as well as my long black skirt that reaches right above my ankles. I also had my black bag hanging on my shoulder that matched with my black flats.

I stopped right at the front entrance, taking in the fresh autumn air. The sky was a brilliant light pink and orange hue mixed together, perfect for a romantic outing.

'That's right! Maybe I can go on a date with Shouta today since I'm done with work! Speaking of Shouta, I wonder what he's doing? He should be at home right about now.' I pulled out my phone to check the time. 'It's 5pm, so he should be there. Let's call him!'

*brrr* *brrr* *brrrrrrrrrrr* "Hello?" I heard a deep, lazy voice answer.

"Hello? Shouta? It's me!"

"Oh, it's just you Hanesaki."

"What do you mean 'oh, it's just you'?? Shouldn't you be happy to hear your wife's lovely voice?~" I said in a sweet tone, while cupping my cheek.

"So, what do you want? Aren't you still working?"

'He ignored me!'

"Ah, well today my shift ended early, so I was thinking that we could go out. After all, it's been a while since we got to spend some time together! Are you at home now?"

"Yea, I am. I was just thinking about heading out for a while, so I guess I can meet you somewhere. Did you have some place in mind?"

"Hmm, how about that restaurant I was talking to you about before?"

"The one that just opened recently?"

"Yea! Apparently, they have great beer there!"

"Are you going there to eat or to drink?" he said with a sigh.

"Both! Hee hee!" I grinned mischievously.

"Alright, then I'll probably be there in about 20 minutes so if you get there early, just go ahead and order first."

"Roger! Be careful okay!"

"I should be the one telling you that. You better not cause any trouble on the way, alright?"

"Tch, when did I ever cause trouble...." I mumbled quietly.

"You really want me to list them all?"

"Ok fine. Then I'll see you there, bye!" and with that I hung up the phone.

'Geez, it's not like I want to cause trouble, people just like picking fights with me that's all! Especially villains. When will they ever learn that they are no match for me. After all, I am the former 3rd ranked hero! ....'

I pause for a bit at that thought, while looking towards the peaceful city streets *sigh* 'Was it the right decision to quit? Well, the government didn't cancel my hero license and said I could come back any time I wanted to, but still I'm uneasy.'




'Oi! What good will worrying do? I should just get going or Shouta will get angry at me!'

I started to walk on the sidewalk, looking around the bustling streets of the city life. 'Normal civilians are enjoying their normal lives. I remember a time when I wanted to be normal. By normal, I don't mean quirkless, but either way, having a quirk or not doesn't really matter to me. For me, I just wanted to live a peaceful, free life. I wanted to choose my own pathway and make my own decisions, but because of my family circumstances I didn't have the courage to. I was the first child of the Hanesaki household, which is a notorious family for their martial arts and other fighting techniques. I showed great potential in this field at a very young age, and hence, my family had high expectations for me to be their next successor. I couldn't complain or go against their wishes because after all, they are my family. I didn't want to disappoint them, so I just kept my real feelings to myself. But ever since I met Shouta, I began to change bit by bit.'

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