Chapter Four

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Third Person POV

Month: April ~ Start of the New School Year

At the Aizawa House~

It's the first day of the new school year, and like the students, the teachers also had to get ready early in the morning. In Aizawa's case, he already finished preparing and was currently at the door, putting his shoes on. As for Hanesaki, she was standing near the entrance, wearing an apron while holding all his things.

"Do you have everything you need? Did you forget anything?" she asked as she handed him his bag.

"No," he replied, clearly exhausted. "You're lucky that you have a two-week vacation starting from today. Whereas I have to go to school and teach a bunch of irrational kids. *sigh* Life's not fair."

"Well you had your vacation in the summer, while I was working long hours each day. I was waiting to have my break for a long time now," the pink haired female let out a dreamy sigh of joy.

"Still, I feel jealous that you get to spend the day sleeping in, while I have to train these new brats."

'Does he assume I'm going to sleep the entire day?'

"That's karma for you~" she teased as she smirked at him. "Besides, maybe you'll like your new class, and this time NOT expel them," she mentioned, giving him a suspicious look.

"It's not my fault. If they don't have what it takes to be a hero, then it makes no sense to keep them at U.A. They aren't coming here to play games, they came here to become pros."

"Hai, Hai. Here's your bento," Hanesaki sighed as she handed him his lunch.

"You," *gulp* "made something?" he asked nervously, completely wary of the mysterious lunch box.

"And so, what if I did? Is there something wrong?" she returned the question with an intimidating one.

"No, but did you taste it this time?"

"Of course I didn't. That's your job, since you're the one eating it."

'I may not come home alive,' Aizawa thought as he stared at the box.

"W-Why?... You don't want it?..." she shyly asked as she hid her bandaged fingers behind her back. However, this did not escape her husband's observant eyes as he realized how much effort she put into making it for him.

*sigh* "Fine, I'll eat it."

"Yay!!" she cheered, pumping an energetic fist in the air.

"If that's everything, then I'll go now," he said as he turned to the door.

"Ah! Wait just a second!"

"What is it this time– mm!" before he could finish, Hanesaki tiptoed and leaned in for a quick peck on his lips.

"Iterashai!" she greeted with a wide smile.

"... Itekimasu..." he then quickly walked out the door, with a small blush on his cheek only noticeable to Hanesaki.

10 minutes after Aizawa left~

Hanesaki's POV

*sigh* 'I wonder what I should do now? I know I have to meet Toshinori today, so that I can check his recovery progress. It's been about a month since I tried healing him with my quirk. It allowed the cells to actively work and multiply, replacing some of the damaged tissue. But like Recovery Girl, this depends on the patient's stamina, so I couldn't do too much. Plus, since it was the first time I tested on another person for a long period of time, it was draining my strength as well.'

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