Chapter Nine

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(A/N: This chapter is the continuation of the extra from the previous chapter, but it takes place during the afternoon)

Third Person POV

It was the day after the USJ incident, and the staff had decided to close the entire school. This not only gave the students a chance to rest, but also, it allowed the teachers to implement a new and more fortified security system.

As for the Aizawa couple, they are now spending their afternoon together in the hospital bedroom.

"Ne, Shouta~" Hanesaki spoke up as she stared at her husband's face.

"What is it?" he muffled a reply through the bandages.

"You really look like a mummy in this state," she said while trying to hold in her laugh.

"Well it can't be helped," he sighed uncomfortably. "In my opinion, I think the doctors went overboard this time."

"At least they didn't cover your eyes... Pfft!" she let out a small giggle.

"Oi, you don't need to laugh so much."

"But *giggle* it's also the way you're talking *giggle* It's so funny!! Hahahahaha!!"

"......" he sweat dropped as she started to die in laughter. "Well what can I do, they even wrapped it over my mouth," he said unamused.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!" she ignored him and continued to laugh away, while hugging her stomach.

"Tch," he pulled her arm towards him, lightly pecking her lips through the bandages.

Instantly, the pink haired girl stopped her outburst as her cheeks grew red from the contact.

"You finally shut up," he said with a smirk forming underneath the wrappings. "You're so simple, Hanesaki."

"B-Baka! .... You should let me know if you were going to do that...." She mumbled shyly. But even though she seemed upset at first, she couldn't contain her blissful smile. She continued to fangirl to herself as Aizawa just stared at her, confused by her reaction.

'Maybe I shouldn't have done that...' he mentally noted.

Suddenly, a knock could be heard at the door behind them, snapping the two out of their thoughts.

"C-Come in," Hanesaki called out.

"Sorry for the intrusion," a familiar red head came in, walking towards Aizawa's bed.

"Oh, it's you, Ayato," the black haired male said in surprise.

"It's nice to see you again, Sho-san," the responsible little brother greeted with a bow. "I heard from Nee-san about what happened and came to visit you."

"Sorry for making you come all this way," Aizawa awkwardly said.

"Nonsense! If it's for Sho-san, then I would do anything!" he announced passionately.

"A-Arigato," he sweatdropped at his sincerity.

"But I have to say, Sho-san," Ayato continued while glaring at the female sitting next to him. "I feel bad that you always have to look after my stupid older sister. It must have been hard on you," he empathized with a sigh.

"Oi," Hanesaki interrupted with an intimidating voice. "Who are you calling your own sister stupid, you little rascal!" She quickly wrapped her arm around her brother's neck, choking the life out of him.

".....G-Gomenasai," he yielded immediately.

'He never learns, does he?' Aizawa pitied at his brother-in-law. 'May you rest in peace,' he prayed as Hanesaki let him go.

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