Chapter Seven

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Hanesaki's POV

12:40 pm

I was at a café on my laptop, as I continued to do some research on cell regeneration and growth. That way, I could better use my quirk during surgeries, later in the future.

As of now, I was reading some materials on different types of tissue while drinking a glass of hot coffee. When I set the cup down, I noticed a small crack appear on the edge of the handle.

'This is not a good sign....'

Suddenly, my attention was redirected to my phone, when it started to vibrate in my skirt pocket.

"Hello? This is Aizawa Misako speaking," I answered, holding the device to my ear.

"Ah! Hanesaki-kun? It's me, Toshinori."

"Oh, what's up? I saw the news today. You overdid it again, didn't you?" I said in a frustrated tone.

"...... Gomenasai."

*sigh* "So? What do you need this time?"

"You see, I kind of used up all of my time in muscle form and now I'm resting in the teacher's lounge. I was supposed to meet Aizawa-kun and Thirteen with the kids at USJ for rescue training, but in this state, I don't think I can make it."

"Shouldn't they be fine on their own? I really don't want to interrupt Shouta when he's in the middle of teaching."

"Please! I just need you to supervise for me until I can regain some of my strength!"

"Fine, but if Shouta yells at me, I'm holding you responsible. Got it?"


"I'm going to head back to my house to grab something. I have a feeling that I might need it today," I said as I stared back to my cracked coffee mug.

"I understand. The training begins at 1:00 pm."


"Thanks again for your help. I feel bad for asking you to do this when you're still on your break."

"You should be. But at least now I have an excuse to go see Shouta~"

"So, you did want to see him?"

"Of course I do! But every time I try to see him during school hours, he gets angry for some reason," I explained with a small pout.

"Hahaha! You guys make a fine couple indeed! Hahaha!"

"Tch, I'm hanging up now," I angrily ended the call before I heard any more of his annoying laugh.

I put my phone back in my pocket as I checked the time.

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