The Powers

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Yancy's POV

I open my eyes to see Adam, Mitch, and Jordan staring at me. My mind immediately goes into overdrive.

"Please don't hit me. Please don't hit me. Slit my throat or shoot me just please don't hit me!" I scream, my mind immediately goes back to Jared and how he raped and beat me.

Adam let's go of my hand and backs away from me. Jordan though leans forward and whispers in my ear,"The time is now." I feel my powers kick into overdrive but this time I can feel Jordan dissipating them so I don't create a giant explosion. I feel my eyes start to glow a beautiful blue as Jordan's start to glow orange. I look at our hands and see a white light growing from where our palms are touching.

Mitch and Adam gasp as I jerk my hand away from Jordan and jump up(extremely fast like magic fast like important power that she has fast(HINT HINT)) and run out of the cave we were in. I hear in the distance the sound of cars and race toward that trying to escape the sounds of three sets of footsteps running right after me.

I feel the time slow around me, well more or less my mind starts processing things much faster than any normal human would ever be able to do. I slowly see Adam, Mitch, and Jordan run out if the cave. They look over and see me and I see something click in Mitch's eyes.

He grabs Adam and Jordan's hands and stares straight at me. I can see the power building up behind his green eyes. I turn around to run away again when I feel like every ounce of energy is sucked out of me.

I fall to the ground and my mind slows down to a normal speed of processing and I hear Mitch yell,"I got her!" Adam comes over and picks me up from my paralyzed position.

I feel something slip in my mind and immediately I can move again. I jump out of Adam's arms and run to the far side of the cliff barely still on the edge.

"NO!" yells Jordan,"Yancy no don't jump." I turn back to them with tears in my eyes and say,"What do you want with me?" He looks down at the ground and Mitch says,"I know. I know how you feel." "How could possibly know how I feel?"

"I know that everything always seemed to go wrong in your life. Nothing worked. Nobody was kind. And those who were quickly changed their minds. You were abandoned. Time after time, everybody you ever loved left you and somebody hurt you in ways that you never want to happen again. You are special, Yancy. I want you to know that their are four people in this world who understand exactly how you feel and all four of them are standing on this cliff. Just give us a chance!" Mitch says solemnly. I turn around to face them smile and fall backwards into the abyss below.

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