Stinky Feet

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Okay, one of my friend's in the mortal world was reading this and she dared me to sniff everyone in the group's feet, and rank them in order from most to least smelliest.

And if I die, I have to do it three times.

*sniffs everyone's feet*

1. Halfborn - this goes without saying. He hasn't washed his feet since he died.
2. Mallory. I thought that girls were supposed to have less gross feet. Right, she just told me that she got wind of this and rubbed then in rotten eggs. Still not as bad as Halfborn's.
3. Alex. No idea what's going on there, they smell like...rancid socks with a hint of vanilla.
4. Sam. Hers were pretty nice, actually. A bit like lavender. 
5. TJ. Simply stunning. It was a pleasure to smell TJ's feet. No idea how he does it, but TJ has the best smelling feet I've ever smelt. I've smelt way too many feet.
6. My grandad. He paid me to put him on the top of this list. That is, he promised not to kill me if I put him at the top of this list. He's weird about feet.

Footing hell, that's enough feet for one day.

Time for some falafel.

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