Pink for Percy, Green for...Grover??

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@CrystalWolf105 dared me to replace everything blue that Percy owns with pink and green equivalents. It would be wasteful not to...get revenge on Alex so what say we blame it on you? itsyaseaweedbrain PerseusJackson141 tellittothegarrote

*rings Annabeth*
Me: Chase
Annabeth: Chase.
Me: I need some help with some nuclear grade pranking.
Annabeth: Oh yeah. Mallory told Rachel who told me all about those pranks. You've started a dare book that's open to mortals? You don't need to be the daughter of Athena to know that's dumb.
Me: ...
Me: Okay anyway I need you to take note of everything that Percy owns that's pink or green.
Annabeth: I'm not going to ask.
Me: I love you!
Annabeth: I'm not sure if I should be loving you back...
Annabeth: Don't die, Chase. *hangs up*

An hour later
Chase (Greek Version) says:
two couches
Seven shirts
Three pairs of jeans
Two pairs of speedos
Two pairs of shots
Five duvet covers
Five fitted sheets
One shrine to Poseidon
One necklace that I got for him for our anniversary
One full suit of battle armour
Fifteen pens
One set of speakers
One phone case
One bubblewand
One safe filled with snacks
One father
That's all, folks. Remember, if this is linked to me you will die painfully in your sleep, chase.

Me *calls Poseidonlordofthesea * (yes he has a phone and yes he goes camping with my dad and yes I got the number for him off my dads phone) this just became a prank of celestial proportions
Me: Your majesty? This is your son's girlfriend's cousin. You go camping with my dad, Frey.
Poseidon: 'sup.
Me: I'm gonna give you an outfit for free.
Poseidon: Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, with a cap and fishing rod?
Me: Yeah. The conditions are that you have to wear it in front of your son, Percy. It's gonna be pink and green.
Poseidon: This is for that prank book, ey?
Me: Yeeeah?
Poseidon: I have my ways... *hangs up*
Me *ponders the logics of an undead Norse warrior who is the son of Frey calling a Greek god that may or may not have lived thousands of years ago.*
Me *decides to make sam call him. A Muslim Valkyrie calling a Greek God from the Norse Afterlife would really screw with the gods*

Fun fact: Hotel Valhalla has a shop where almost everything is sold in pink and green. Alex may or may not have inspired a fashion trend that has caught on very quickly. To all you fangirls, guys, and everything in between modelling after the Alex aesthetic, he's very proud of you and wishes that you'd make him shrines and worship him as THE GREAT AND POWERFUL ALEX, COMMANDER OF CREATION.
Me *goes to the Pink and Greenhouse.*
Me *buys pink and green equivalents of everything on Annabeth's list*
Me *goes bankrupt*
Me *goes to camp half blood and meets Annabeth outside of the border*
Annabeth: Maggie!
Me: Have you been talking to Fierro?
Annabeth: he's actually very smart. And good at battle.
Me: ...I brought a truck filled with goods.
Annabeth *clicks her fingers. A huge, bronze, flying dragon touches down beside us, scaring the crap out of me. Almost literally. He tips to the side and a sea of blue rolls off. Not, like, the actual sea. All of Percy's things.*
Annabeth: good boy, Festus
Me: have a bronze dragon.
Annabeth *smuggggggg*: he speaks squeak and creak.
Me: ....bloody Greeks.
Annabeth: that's racist in some way.
Me: we're cousins. And both white.
Annabeth: then we're not Greeks. And that's racist, huh?
Me: let's get this shit into his cabin.
Annabeth *helps me load Festus up and leads him into camp. It's deserted.*
Me: Where is everyone?
Annabeth: At a party.
The Chases *replace everything in Percy's room and leave*
The Chases *hide in a bush and waits*
Percy *comes back to his cabin. Opens the door. Walks in.*
Me *texts Poseidon. He arrives and walks in*
Poseidon: that's wrong, my boy?
Me *turns to the camera* now he knows how I feel

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