Chapter 10

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Corinne had gotten used to sleeping with Zach now. His arms around her had become as familiar as the pillow beneath her head. To wake up squeezed on their new sofa with him though, it was a little much.

He had insisted that he wanted to spend the night at their new home, and Corinne couldn't deny that the idea did sound good. They had their sofa now, and the blanket she had bought in Ikea on Saturday that could keep them warm. They could easily stay a single night. Zach had convinced her it was a great idea, and she hadn't been able to think of a reason to sway herself into disagreeing.

They'd had a giggle at what his family must assume their reasons were for sleeping over in an unfurnished house. Zach had given her a wink, and Corinne couldn't hold back from making a joke about how she was secretly a screamer in bed, and he was tired of covering her mouth. He'd whisked her off here for an evening of wild sex without fear of waking the whole house.

It was lovely to wake up like this in the property that already felt like home. The golden glow of morning sunshine was filtering through the thin curtains and into the living room. Corinne could see herself enjoying it with a mug of coffee as she flicked through a magazine or binge-watched a daytime tv show. The evening sun would be caught at the back of the house, perfect for the outdoor activities in the garden, but mornings would be bliss in here. 

Zach was still fast asleep by her side, and she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't wake any time soon. Corinne slipped out of his arms and stepped barefoot into the kitchen. It felt wrong to walk over the manky carpet and kitchen floor, but the need for coffee was too great to ignore. 

It was a little chilly this morning, especially when wearing nothing but her work t-shirt and underwear. Zack had offered to let her sleep in his shirt, but the creases in a dress shirt weren't something they could hide between here and his house. They would need to pop back to freshen up and change before work. More than anything though, Corinne wished they could spend a lazy day here. 

There was so much to do in the house, so much to plan, so much flat pack to build. Corinne would be more than happy to waste the day laid back with Zach though. They could talk, they could cuddle. She was longing for the weekend, and it was only Tuesday. 

The kettle had just finished boiling, and the hot water poured when a yawn broke the silence of the kitchen. 


"Hmm...wish it wasn't." Footsteps padded across the floor before arms encased around Corinne from behind. "I wish it were like 4am and we could roll over and go back to sleep."

"I know the feeling. I want to bunk off work so badly and stay here."

"You sound like a naughty schoolgirl." A finger tapped against her stomach before Zach's head fell to Corinne's shoulder with another yawn.

She leaned her head to the side against his, adding a little milk to her drink before taking a slow sip. "Are you going to punish me if I do, Sir?"

He growled low against her shoulder, before placing a kiss on it. Corinne felt a tingle rush through her with just how sexy it sounded. "Don't tease Corinne; I'm too asleep to give you the punishment you'd deserve right now."

"Oh, you'll see me after class then?"

"If class equals work, and if seeing you means going right back to sleep with you, then yes."

Corinne laughed, reaching for the second mug to make Zach a coffee. "Seriously though, I'm longing for the weekend. How old do I sound? I'm crazy for the weekend, not for parties and clubs, but for a lie on in the morning."

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