My Charm

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Now, I am not a person who is really serious about his/ her sexual preference  or always brag about being different from the ordinary mainstream.   I am with the new trend of this amazing world.  I  follow trendy and  in vogue ideas and ideals, but that does not mean that once I accept it, I give up easily after expiry date.  

One quality of mine is  that  when I  accept something wholeheartedly, I go for it.  I am not sure about myself, whether I am gay, bi or just straight.  But then when I decided I would make Arthit my crush, and I did and if he was really interested in me then I would chase him.  Having decided my object, oh sorry, person of attraction, I decided to trail him like a train bogies and make him aware of  my presence in this world.

Now, I had some assignment to be submitted  by Monday.  So I was inching my steps to library, the place which I hated the most.   But for my bad luck, I reached the entrance pretty fast and started looking for the books related to my topic.   And there  I saw Arthit seated helping a girl,a pretty girl with some papers.  They were laughing and cracking jokes.  The good part was the girl was my classmate and bad part was he was helping her rather than doing his own work.

Now, I was not jealous ,but  I felt it was my duty to make Arthit understand that I too had charm, which had to be cherished and displayed  in public when he was around.  I directly went to my classmate and gently tapped on her shoulder, four eyes gazed at me, two confused and two irritated.  The confused eyes was my target.  I completely ignored the irritated eyes and started chatting with the  confused eyes about the assignment,grades, completion and presentation.  The irritated eyes turned in to a blood shot eyes and tried to break my conversation with frequent clearing of throats, frequent yawning and multiples coughs.  The confused eyes felt little bit guilty for complete avoidance from her part and apolosized him by cutting him totally in between and tagging along with me for the books I referred to.   I behaved as if I did not understand a thing that happened between them and walked back to my table victorious in provoking him.

Poor Arthit lost to me in chasing the girl of my class, although I did not really know whether he was trailing her or just helping her, in either ways, I managed to distance the roadblock between Arthit and me.  I still looked at him all flustered and huffed when he left from the library.


I know this one sucks.  But I blacked out of ideas.

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