Cousin stuck Arthit

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And he, i.e., Arthit  was sister stuck brother, who refused to let his cousin's love go to someone else, even if it was him.  Arthit felt something was broken in his body. He could not decipher what it was.  He  felt somewhat heavy, was it because of the food he had in the noon  still stayed in his stomach, or because some part of his body was swollen.  He could not nail his discomfort.

Arthit promised his cousin Nobitha that if Kong was her soulmate then he would do  anything in his power to make Kong hers either by hook or by crook, although he was not, but for her sake he would.  Nobitha reminded him that only four days were left for her departure, if she could not make Kong fall for her, then she would not come back ever again there, but if she did, then she would permanently get transfer from her  university  there, where her heart belonged.  Arthit was glad that if that happened, they would be together, but his crushed heart was completely shattered if she got transferred there once for all if Kong agreed to her confession.

Maprang was consulted and Mew was brought in, together avoiding Prem and Knot, Maprang conspired a plot to win the operation Kong's heart for Nobitha.


The time was evening, a beautiful, young, smart and dashing girl was waiting at the bus stop for her cousin to pick her up.  She was dressed in tight blue jeans with simple T shirt and  face glowed with gaudy makeup.  Her lips were emblazoned with red colour paint, or, sorry, uuuuhhhhhm,  lipstick and she was fluttering her eyes as if someone would come and rescue her from so called clumsy looking three masked thugs who were shorter, fidgety, nervy and scared standing few steps away from the girl  waiting for her signal so that they could come attack her when the tall, handsome, muscular and toned young man passed by their way.  They waited for nearly half an hour to the disgust, dismay of all four creatures waiting for the prey.

But the prey did not come even after an hour.  Both the parties decided to take a break to wipe away their sweat, when suddenly the girl signaled  them  of the approaching prized booty.  The three thugs ran towards the girl brandishing the steel pocket size knife asking for her valuables.  At once, the girl screamed or rather screeched like a monkey for help.


Kong was walking on the left hand side of the road lost in his own thoughts after the basket ball class, when he suddenly spotted and heard the screech of a monkey, or, sorry of  Nobitha, his Arthit's cousin was attacked by three rather uncoordinated and  cumbersome thugs who were looking at  his direction instead of taking the booty and run away from there.  By the time Kong reached there, the three thugs ran like a deer as if running a marathon and never came back.  Meanwhile, Nobitha fainted and fell only when Kong arrived on the spot and as if waiting for Kong to hold her.  Kong at last managed to hold the fainted Nobitha in his arms much to his dissatisfaction and frustration looking at  gawky smeared lips.  

Out of the three thugs, one of the thugs was watching the scene from the distance fretting and fuming at his bad luck and at the same time sending his blessing to his cousin for her successful love story with a pang of despair in his heart.  The other two thugs stood in awe at the sacrifice of the Cousin stuck brother.


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