The beginning

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I had just got out of the shower and was about to get ready because I had meetings in the morning and then because it is mine and chances 2 year anniversary next week but Chance is out of town so we had to do it this week. when Chance came into my room. He was the only one who knew my password to my door because when "Y/S/N" was a secret he would have to sneak in here a lot. But now everyone knows about me and Chance we even got fake married in Vegas for jakes vlog.

Chance came in and kissed me.

Chance: happy early 2 year anniversary baby.

Y/N: happy anniversary my baby.

We were doing presents and stuff later because we both had a busy day so we was going for dinner tonight.

He then sat down on my bed. I still had my towel around me so I sat down at my vanity table and began doing my makeup I went for my everyday normal look. I then picked out my outfit for today I didn't pick anything too drastic as I was only in meetings today. I decided to put on a "Y/S/N" t-shirt (turned into a crop top) and a pair of black leggings along with my black fluffy slides.

Chance takes out his phone and goes on Snapchat and starts recording.

Chance: My baby looking hot as always (I cover my face and start laughing. He's tops recording and comes over to me while I'm fixing my hair in the mirror)

Chance hugged me from behind and buried his face into my neck. He was so cute. I grabbed my phone and took a picture before he stopped being cute.

I saved the picture and was going to upload it to Instagram when I was dressed.

I had to change the start of the fanfic but I have so many good ideas for this. This chapter is short and is more of a starter chapter to get into things. It's weird starting from a point like this but hope you guys like it x

True love - Andrew Siwicki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now