The beginning of the end

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I was woken up by my boyfriend Chance who was followed in by Jake and Anthony. It was 9am, I was exhausted. I had stay up most of the night editing my new video that had to be out today.

The boys all sat around me on the bed.

Y/N: What?

Chance: Nothing babe we just came to see you. (Chance looked suspicious when he said that. He then looked at the boys)

Jake brought out his camera and they all started acting like monkeys, screaming and throwing stuff. I was so mad. Chance knew I hate people messing with my stuff. He can be so insensitive sometimes. I just sat there and didn't say anything I was so mad. After the boys stopped being idiots they left my room in a mess. So I got up and started cleaning everything up. I feel like a Mum of 20 kids living in this house.

Just as I was about start working on a new section of my room that they trashed the Martinez twins came in. Without saying anything they looked at me and began to help pick the stuff up. I love these guys, they're like my brothers. Whenever they need me I'm there for them and they are for me.

After the mess was cleared up I thanked and hugged the twins. They had to go because they had a meeting but they said when they get back we need to hang out, so while they are out i decided to jump in the shower and get ready.

I take my phone off charge and walk into my on suit bathroom. I place my phone on the side and take my clothes off. I get in the shower and do what you do in the shower. After finishing in the bathroom I grab my phone and go to my room. I decide to do my makeup before I get changed because I hate getting powder all over my clothes. I go for a subtle look. I then go to my wardrobe and look for an outfit. I choose my grey crop top and a pair of jeans along with my grey yeezys that Chance got me for my birthday. I lay the clothes down on my bed so I can start getting changed.

I had just finished getting changed as Chance walks in. I'm still pretty mad at him tbh. So I just sat on my bed and pulled my phone out.

Chance: Erm hello? (Pretty angry)

Y/N: What's up? (Not looking up off my phone)

Chance: ask you the same thing? You haven't spoke or even looked at me since the...

Y/N: this morning when you came and trashed my room yeah Chance I know! (Shouting and cutting him off)

I guess I shouted a lot louder than I thought because Jake and Tony (Anthony) came in.

Jake: what's going on?

Chance: Y/Ns still mad that we trashed her room.

Y/N: I don't mind jokes but you guys didn't even fkn clean it up. The Martinez twins came and helped me and they didn't do anything.

Chance hated me talking about the twins because he hated how close I was to him and when I said that his face filled with anger.

Chance: Of course they would!

Y/N: Grown up chance for once in your life! They're like my brothers.

Anthony and Jake just stood there shocked at what's going on.

Chance: Whatever Y/N, I'm going out. Let's go tony. Jake you coming?

Jake: Yeah I'll be down now.

They all leave and I get up off my bed and shut my door. I was so upset. I leaned against the door and my eyes began watering. I slowly slid down the door till my knees came up and my head was in my knees. And I sat there sobbing.

True love - Andrew Siwicki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now