Movie might with the guys

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Erika: Wtf! Why is she there? Does Jake not think?!

Y/N: E, it's okay. Who cares if she's there? No one likes her, only chance.

Nick: And I'm pretty sure he doesn't like her (We all laugh)

Y/N: I have snacks and drinks and you guys so my night is pretty great regardless of who is next door!

Emilio: We will go take the stuff up stairs and then you guys can grab a couple of chairs or blankets or something.

Erika: Yeah sure! We doing it in your room y/n/n?

Y/N: Yeah that's fine!

We get out of the car and a bunch of fans are by the gates. The twins take the stuff upstairs and Tony comes out. I hug him and then we hang out with the fans for a while. Nick and Erika went and sorted the room out. I took a few pictures and then I had to go in.

Me and Anthony said goodbye to the fans then walked into the house. As soon as I stepped foot into the house my gaze got caught by Alex. She was snarling me and when she noticed I was looking at her she kissed Chance. It really didn't bother me. Not anymore I'm so over Chance Sutton.

Y/N: You realise that doesn't bother me right? (Shouting it as she was the other end of the house)

Alex: Course it does. I took your man. (Everyone looked shocked)

Y/N: Hahahah! Whatever makes you sleep at night (Everyone was shocked at how well I took it)

Tony: Alex why are you even here you aren't apart of team 10 and no one likes you. (I look at Tony and smile)

Chance: Don't speak to her like that! All because you want Y/N and you couldn't have her. (Tony's eyes went from sorrow to anger)

Tony: Wtf dude! (Tony goes to run up to Chance.)

Y/N: (get in front of Tony) Tony! Stop! Look at me!(Tony looks at me) Stop! (My hand on his chest) (Tony slowly clams down) Upstairs.

Alex: Up...

Y/N: (Cut her off) You so much as open your mouth again I will make sure that you regret it.

I go upstairs to see the guys standing on the landing. Once me and Tony reach the top of the stairs we all go into my room.

Y/N: Tomorrow's going to be great!

We spent the rest of the night talking, joking watching tv and Just having one of the best nights we've ever had.

True love - Andrew Siwicki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now