Andrew finds out

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I woke up and immediately started to get ready. I first brushed my teeth, which took longer than normal as my wrist still hurt from Chance last night. I then decided to get some breakfast as I had a lot of time to get ready before Andrew picks me up. So I go to the kitchen and see Alex sitting at the table. I ignore her and go to the fridge and get out everything I need to make a toastie. I make the toastie, still not speaking to Alex, and Chance walks in. He kisses Alex.

Chance: Are you making us all breakfast?

Y/N: Erm no. Get your little hoe girlfriend To cook you some breakfast.

Alex: Excuse me?

Y/N: You heard me. (I cut my toastie and put it on a plate grab my juice out the fridge and walk upstairs. Chance follows me)

Chance: You better apologise to Alex right now!

Y/N: Or What Chance? You going to hurt me again? (I place my plate on my dresser along with my juice when I feel Chance grab my hair) Chance! Let go!

Chance: apologise to her now!

Chance drags me down the stairs by my hair. I'm screaming and tony comes running out of his room.

Tony: Chance! Dude! Get off her. (Running after Chance)

I get to the bottom of the stairs and my legs are all bruised and red. Chance still has hold of my hair. He rags me over to Alex.

Chance: Apologise.

Y/N: No! Get off me!

Tony: Chance wtf dude! (Tony grabs Chance making him let go of my hair. I run upstairs and lock my door.)

I lock my door and start to get ready. I text Andrew seeing if he could come get me earlier. Of course he said yes. So I get ready and straighten my hair as well as doing my makeup. I throw everything in my bag and leave. I leave my room and make my way to the front door. I pass Chance as I come down the stairs. My heart starts beating really fast. Suddenly it's hard to breath. I drop down to the floor. Tony runs over to me and tries to calm me down. Erika runs over with some water and I sit down for a few moments while my body calms down then Tony helps me up. He makes sure I'm okay and walks me to the door.

I call Andrew to see where he was and he was just pulling up. I leave as quick as I could, my legs where still hurting so I found it hard to walk normally. As soon as I saw Andrew my whole mood changed, I was happy. I tried to get into the car without making obvious that I was in pain.

I lean over and hug Andrew.

Y/N: You don't know how happy I am to see you. (We both smile at each other)

Andrew: same. How's things been?

Y/N: a little rough but I can handle it. How's this been with you?

Andrew: things have been good. Tbh I haven't stopped thinking about you. (I blush and look down) You look cute when you do that. (Andrew smirks)

Y/N: When I do what? (Pretending like I don't know what I did)

Andrew: looking away. Getting all shy.

Y/N: Shut up (going even more shy) Anywayyy Shane asked to talk to me when I get there, did he say anything to you?

Andrew: No he hasn't said anything to me... shall we go see what it's about? (He smiles at me and starts the car)

The rest of the drive we play drake and sing along to it. And laugh. And talk. And those 30 minutes were the best 30 minutes of my life. I felt save. And I felt happy.

Sadly, the drive came to an end. Me and Andrew both looked at each other sad that it had ended. We both got out of the car and walked to Shane's house. Andrew knocked on the door and Shane answered.

Shane: OMG hiiii

Y/N: Hey (hugging Shane)

Andrew: Hi (while Shane passes Andrew the camera I go and hug Ryland and Garret)

Shane: So you guys are just in time. The baby will be here in 30 minutes. Andrew Garret will tell you what's happening today while I talk to Y/N.

Shane motions me to the kitchen. As I'm walking away from Andrew he pulls his phone out and waves it at me. I look at him weirdly when I suddenly get a notification. From him.

Andrews text: Miss you already🙃❤️

I reply: So do I 😂❤️

I slide my phone back into my pocket and sit down at the kitchen table. Shane pulls out a diet R&W for himself and asks if I want something. I say water. So he brings the drinks over to the table. Uno runs over to me and jumps up at me and lands on my legs. I wince in pain trying not to make it obvious. Shane notices.

Shane: Are you okay?

Y/N: yeah he was just a little heavy..

Shane: That was not the face as if someone was a little heavy. Trust me I know. (He laughs)

Y/N: I've just hurt my legs that's all.

Shane: What you mean you hurt your legs? What happened?

Y/N: I just fell... ( I look away because I can't lie to Shane he knows me too well)

Shane: Y/N don't lie. What happened?

Y/N: Fine. It was Chance.

Shane: What did he do? (Getting angry)

Y/N: he started getting really angry lately. Last night I came in late when Andrew dropped me off and Chance and I was arguing and he gripped my wrist really tight. (I show Shane my bruised wrist) and today I got into an altercation with his girlfriend and he dragged me down the stairs by my hair to apologise. (A tear falls down my cheek) Please don't tell Andrew.

Shane:(angry and upset at the same time) Y/N why didn't you telll me! That is the furthest thing form okay. You are not going back there!

Y/N: Shane! Please be quite. I don't want Andrew to hear. (Andrew appeared from the doorway)

Shane: too late...

I turn around to see Andrew looking angry yet sad. He looked like he was about to cry. Shane got up and left me and Andrew to talk.

Y/N: (acting like I just didn't say what happened) Hey. Are you excited for the video? (I smile at him)

Andrew:(looking at me as if I'm crazy) We aren't going to do this like this.

Y/N: What'd you mean? (Trying to act oblivious to the situation)

Andrew: I heard what you just said. Please tell me I didn't hear it right. (Andrews eyes are glossy as if he was about to cry)

Y/N: (I drop my head and whisper) You did.

I couldn't face him. I didn't want him to know. I didn't want him to be upset. I shouldn't of said anything. Andrew just grabs me and hugs me. The hug makes me feel so safe and protected like nothing or no one could hurt me. I honestly didn't want to let go. And Andrew didn't. Of course all good things come to an end. Shane yelled..

Shane: The baby's here! OMG! OMG!

Andrew and I unwillingly let go of each other. I look at him and smile. He does the same. I grab his hand and he smiles even more.

Y/N: Hope this isn't too weird for you. (Referring to the hand holding)

Andrew: Of course not. (Bring my hand up and kisses it. I smile) you know I still want to sort things out right?(referring to Chance)

Y/N: Ino...

True love - Andrew Siwicki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now